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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Efficacy And Benefit Sweet Mango

Fruit yellow when ripe and green when it is famous for its raw content of vitaminya very much. Not only rich in vitamins, fruit is very tasty a meal that is both raw and cooked.

The benefits of mango lot of them believed in him. Even today a lot of food or beverage product packaging using mango as its composition. Mango is a tropical plant species which are cultivated by people worldwide. Besides the benefits of mangoes are also strongly felt to beautify the face. In this article we will discuss the benefits of mangoes for health and beauty.

Benefits of mango fruit for healthThe content of vitamin C and nutrients that are high in mango fruit is very good for our bodies. Its nutrient content is very useful and suitable for health because it contains protein, potassium, iron, calories, fat, carbohydrates, beta carotene, vitamin A, B6, vitamin K and potassium. More details refer to some mangoes following benefits:

Mango Fruit Benefits For Health
  1. Reducing Diabetes : Mango fruit contains a low glycemic index so that sugar will not rise if we eat mangoes even in large numbers. Not only the flesh of the fruit, mango leaves also touted able to reduce diabetes by boiling some mango leaves and soak them overnight. After the cooking water is filtered and drunk as an herbal concoction that is capable of regulating the levels of insulin in the body. The benefits of apples.
  2. Prevent Cancer : Some studies have cited that the antioxidant compounds contained in mango fruit is believed to protect the body against prostate cancer, leukemia, colon and breast. The compound including fisetin, quertin, gallic acid, isoquercitrin, and enzymes.
  3. Preventing Heart Pain : Fiber, vitamins and potassium contained in mango fruit as a whole could ward off heart disease. Decrease in sodium intake accompanied by increased potassium intake may reduce cardiovascular risk due to diet be changed.
  4. Efficacy of mango Helps digestion : Mangoes contain enzymes that can destroy excess protein and fat content in the food we consume. Besides fiber found in mango fruit can help digestion and eases the process of disposal of waste products naturally.
  5. High iron content for women : Mangoes have iron content is high enough so that it can be used as a natural solution that is right for those who suffer from anemia. Mangoes are also mentioned very helpful for women who are pregnant or who are experiencing menopause because mangoes can increase the levels of calcium and iron at the same time. 

Benefits of Mango To Face Beauty Secrets

Clean skin and shine is a dream for women, for those of you who want a beautiful face shines you can use mangoes as a natural ingredient for beauty. Here are the tips:
  1. Troubleshooting black spots on the face : Mango skin is usually removed it can be used to treat the problem of black stain on the face very disturbing penampiln us. The trick is very easy that is by drying the skin mango powder and made into a powder. Mix the powder with yogurt and apply on the face as a mask to remove the black stain.
  2. Overcoming the problem of acne : Benefits of mango for the next beauty is to overcome the problem of facial acne. This can be done by setting up unripe mango diced plainly. after it was boiled and use the cooking water to wash my face mango. Perform routine so that you get maximum results.

Similarly, a review of the benefits of mango remarkable, because in addition to good for your health, it turns mango can also be used as a natural ingredient for beauty treatments naturally. Hopefully useful and good luck!

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