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Thursday, August 18, 2016

Bengkoang Fruit Benefits For Health

Bengkoang or Yam is a plant beginning from tropical America and into the tribe of vegetables or Fabaceae. Set up of inception, yam known as xicama or jicama. The Javanese call it Besusu.

Yam contains enough water so it regards help the supply of liquid in the body. A high liquid substance in bengkoang exceedingly prescribed for utilization for diabetics and those of you who are abstaining from food. Bengkoang advantages for other wellbeing will be examined later. Globules which has the investigative name Pachyrhizus erosus has a crisp taste and sweet. The sweet taste of the yam originates from oligokasarida called inulin.

Bengkoang or Yam is a plant starting from tropical America and into the tribe of vegetables or Fabaceae. Set up of starting point, yam known as xicama or jicama. The Javanese call it Besusu.

Yam contains enough water so it regards help the supply of liquid in the body. A high liquid substance in bengkoang very prescribed for utilization for diabetics and those of you who are slimming down. Bengkoang advantages for other wellbeing will be examined later. Knobs which has the investigative name Pachyrhizus erosus has a new taste and sweet. The sweet taste of the yam originates from oligokasarida called inulin.

The content of substances in bengkoang:
  1. Thiamin 0.020 mg 2%
  2. Vitamin A 21 IU 1%
  3. Vitamin C 20.2 mg 34%
  4. Vitamin E 0,46 mg 3%
  5. Vitamin K 0,3 mg
  6. Besi 0.60 mg 7%
  7. Magnesium 12 mg 3%
  8. Mangan 0.60 mg 3%
  9. Seng 0,16 mg 1%
  10. Phyto-nutrisi
  11. Kalium 150 mg 3%
  12. Kalsium 12 mg 1%
  13. Tembaga 0,048 mg 5%
  14. Energi 38 Kcal 2%
  15. Karbohidrat 8.82 g 7%
  16. Protein 0,72 g 1%
  17. Total Lemak 0.19 g
  18. Kolesterol 0 mg 0%
  19. Diet Serat 4,9 g 13%
  20. Folat 12 mg 3%
  21. Niacin 0.200 mg 1,5%
  22. Asam pantotenat 0,135 mg 3%
  23. Pyridoxine 0,042 mg 3%
  24. Riboflavin 0,029 mg 2%
  25. Karoten-ß 13 ug –
  26. Karoten-α 0,011 mg 1%
Bengkoang Fruit Benefits For Health
  1. Treating allergic skin
    Fruit bengkoang if used and consumed regularly can treat allergies and itching of the skin
  2. Treating diabetes
    The sweet taste of the fruit bengkoang derived from inulin excellent substance to help treat diabetes, even better in the consumption of people with diabetes once. but within reasonable limits and regular.
  3. Treating blister
    Bengkoang additionally contain enough vitamin C so it is useful for the strength of your body, and as a cell reinforcement and additionally to cure for infection. Furthermore, bengkoang likewise can bring down cholesterol levels in your blood.
  4. Treating beriberi
    Beriberi is an infection brought about by the body needs vitamin B1. Yam contains vitamin B1 a considerable amount.
  5. Treating hemorrhoids
    The fiber content in the yam is useful for individuals with hemorrhoids. Yam juice drink each morning subsequent to awakening is useful for the individuals who experience the ill effects of hemorrhoids, so BAB to be smooth and not troublesome.
  6. Counteract untimely maturing
    Vitamin C is high in organic product bengkoang offer impact to avert free radicals in our bodies, and give an unwinding impact.
  7. Investigating stomach corrosive
    Antacid properties on bengkoang serves as a coolant or spongy gastric corrosive rapidly. Stomach corrosive that can bring about ulcers, so it's great when you eat yam. Also, far superior in the event that you eat yam without blend, eg with salt or bean stew sauce. 

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