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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Efficacy Curcuma

Curcuma (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) (Represents plant herb-shaped false, height approximately 2 m, green or dark brown. The root rhizome branched strong dark green. This plant is widely grown throughout the island of Java, grows wild under the auspices of teak forests, in dry soil grasslands, and ditegalan.
Growing at an altitude above sea 5-1500.

Cultivation of this plant by using pillar rhizomes (roots). Planting is usually done in the rainy season, but the water should not be excessive so that growth is not disturbed.


Increase appetite

Benefits of volatile oils that are karminativun, can increase appetite makan.Caranya: take 25 mg of ginger, 10 grams of tamarind, plus brown sugar to taste, boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc later, then filtered and ready to drink.

Heart protection

Kolagoga buffoonery contains a substance which has an important role in helping the production of bile in the liver and bladder emptying empedu.Temulawak also help reduce the action of the enzyme glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT) and reduce the action of the enzyme glutamate pyruvate transaminase (GPT), both good preclinical in vitro and in vivo or in klinik.hasil research and clinical trials indicate that the doses used to reduce SGOPT and SGPT is 15-30 mg of curcumin.

Reduce Arthritis
The content of curcumin is able to treat arthritis is equivalent to 100 mg of phenylbutazone which besrsifat as anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
Improve the function of Digestion
The powder of ginger rhizome can increase the activity of gastric fluid so instrumental in helping the process of metabolism and reduce intestinal contractions halus.Caranya: take 2 grams of dried rhizome or 8 grams of fresh ginger, heat the hot water with a temperature of 90 degrees for approximately 15 minutes, take two up to three times daily between meals.
Treating Acne
Wash rhizome curcuma one finger, then cut, then boiled with 4 cups water, let it boil until the remaining approximately 2 cups, when cool add honey to taste, then taken regularly 2 times a day, every drink enough glass.
Antioxidant and helps maintain Healthy
Curcumin in turmeric act as anti-oxidants that can capture free radicals of oxygen such as superoxide anion, and hydroxyl radicals that help maintain health in order to remain optimal.caranya: use dried ginger extract, then boiled taken 3 times daily, approximately 250-500 mg ,
There are so many benefits of ginger efficacious able to overcome various health problems if used according to instructions, of course, must be used regularly.

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