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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Efficacy And Tomato Fruit Benefits

Tomato is a plant from the United States that still have a kinship with potatoes, eggplants, green and red peppers. The tomato a fruit types because it has seeds and meat are safe if swallowed. However, with the increase in more modern era, as now, the tomato is often used as a vegetable and is often used as vegetables.

Tomato fruit contains a lot of water and vitamin C are powerful beauty as well as lighten the skin and shrink pores. Therefore, in addition to be used as fresh vegetables, sauce ingredients, and also fruits, tomatoes also often used as a mask to lighten the skin. In this article we will discuss about the properties and benefits of tomatoes for the health of our beautiful skin.

Tomato Fruit Benefits For Health 
  1. Skin Lightening : Benefits of tomatoes for the beauty of the first is to brighten dull skin. If you experience problems dull skin and is still confused to find the right solution, then you can try the benefits of tomatoes that contain a lot of vitamin C that is proven to make skin brighter.
    How to use the tomato is also quite simple, namely by setting up two tomatoes and cut into several pieces. Put the tomato slices by rubbing the facial area evenly. Perform routine every day and you will get a bright and healthy skin for approximately two weeks.
  2. eliminate acne : At any care products or medications that are intended to cure acne within the composition contains a lot of vitamin A and C are good for relieving acne. In addition to vitamin A and vitamin C which is good for acne, tomatoes also contain acids that is able to treat the skin rash redness caused by acne. If you experience acne are still small you just simply rub a sliced ​​tomato on the pimpled face for about ½ hour. But if you already inflamed acne you can make a mask of tomatoes in a way you blend the tomatoes first. efficacy of dragon fruit.
  3. Oily skin problems : Oily caused by excessive production of serum. If the problem of oily skin is not addressed it will make the new problems that disrupt such as black spots, facial acne and blackheads. To cope with oily skin you can try a way to make a mask of tomatoes mixed with cucumber. Apply the mask to all parts of the face and let stand until dry. Rinse with warm water and apply regularly to get the benefits of tomatoes is that you can see in a short time.
  4. Make us look younger : The great secret of the artists who made them look young and glowing is because the benefits of tomatoes are efficacious naturally helps rejuvenate the skin. At break time from their busy activity, they do a skin treatment using tomatoes. Efficacy Tomatoes able to slow the aging process by absorbing oxygen.
  5. Refreshing eye : The benefits of tomatoes next extraordinary is to refresh tired eyes because of the many activities or lack of sleep. You can use irisam tomatoes and put on the eyes for a few minutes so that the eye bags disappear.

Perform maintenance on the skin by using this tomato in your spare time either morning, afternoon or evening. In addition to fresh and delicious benefits of tomatoes is also very nice to rejuvenate the skin to become bright and shining.

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