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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Fruit Tomato for Health Benefits

Tomatoes (Gycopersicum esculentum Mill.) Is a fruit that is often used as a seasoning and cooking. For example in the soup, vegetables, tamarind, tomato sauce other dishes. In addition, tomatoes are also often used as minumah like tomato juice. But besides good to eat, tomato also has many benefits for health and beauty. Among them eliminate acne, smoothes the skin and as a mask for the face. For treatment, the tomato is believed to cure hemorrhoids, high blood pressure, prevent disease and ward jntung cancer cells.

Benefits of tomatoes for health, could not be separated from the nutrition in it. Tomato fruit contains contains alkaloid solanine (0.007%), saponins, folic acid, malic acid, citric acid, bioflavonoids (including routine), proteins, fats, sugars (glucose, fructose), adenine, trigonelin, kholin, tomatin, minerals (Calcium , Magnesium, phosphorus, Potassium, sodium, iron, sulfur, chlorine), vitamins (B1, B2, B6, C, E, lycopene, niacin), and histamine.

Routine can strengthen the walls of capillaries. Chlorine and sulfur is a trace element that is efficacious detoksikan. Chlorine naturally stimulate the liver to eliminate toxins and sulfur protect the liver from liver cirrhosis and other liver diseases. Lycopene is a yellow pigment beta carotene in tomatoes. Tomatin efficacious as antibiotics. Besides the fruit, tomato leaves also contain pectin, arbutin, amigdalin, and alkaloids.

Benefits and Efficacy of Tomato Fruit
  1. Treating Acne
    Add 25 ml of 70% alcohol in tomato juice (100 ml), then shake evenly. Use the mixture to rub the face with acne. Perform maintenance on the 2 to 3 times a day.
  2. Skin burned by the sun
    Not just tomatoes, leaves also have efficacy for skin beauty. Wash the fresh young leaves, then milled until smooth. Apply on the skin burned.
  3. Treating Hemorrhoids
    Boil some tomatoes that have been cooked in coconut oil for about ten minutes, then strain through a cloth. Once cool, apply on the hemorrhoids
  4. Treat hypertension
    Eating fresh tomatoes as much as 1 to 2 pieces at the time of the morning, when the stomach is empty.
  5. Treating contusion
    If you have bruises due to hit or hit, treat with tomatoes. Team tomato juice with added ginger water and drink when cool.
  6. Appendicitis, jaundice
    Drinking tomato juice, three times a day, each one cup. Continue to consult with a doctor.
  7. Treating Fever
    Rinse 3 ripe tomatoes, then cut into pieces as needed. Crushed in half a cup of cooking water and one tablespoon of pure honey. Squeeze and strain the water, then drink. Do it three times a day. People with diabetes must not add pure honey that blood glucose levels are not increased.
  8. Gingivitis and bleeding gums
    Wash tomatoes that have been cooked, then eaten raw. Do it twice a day, for approximately one month
  9. Treating Thrush
    Cut the tomatoes ripe fruit (two pieces) and cook with fresh fish. After a cold, eat. Do it every day for 1 to 2 weeks until visible improvement.
  10. Gastric ulcer
    Sliced ripe tomatoes and oranges acidified each one fruit. Add one tablespoon of honey, and mix evenly. Eating little-by-little, 3 to 4 times a day, for three weeks.
  11. Increased appetite
    If your child is having difficulty eating, tell him drinking tomato juice an hour before eating.

Apparently, tomatoes which we know as groceries, have great benefits for health. So, do not hesitate to consume tomatoes because the properties are also outstanding.

Benefits of Celery for Health

Celery has become a friend of the housewife that is, as one vegetable aroma enhancer or more specifically the cuisine is often used as a flavoring vegetable soup. The content of this vitamin in leaves can survive up to 80% after cooking. But behind it turned out leaves are often referred to as leaf soup or in the language of Apium graveolens latinya has many benefits that may not have been widely known by most people.

Celery contains many vitamins namely vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K, which can be used to prevent or to treat some diseases. Nutrient content contained in these leaves can be used for prevention of the disease by taking it in the form of vegetables.

Here are the benefits of celery for health and diseases that can be prevented by consuming this soup leaves:
  • Adding immune
  • The content of multivitamins contained in celery leaves function as antioxidants can augment the immune
  • Calm nerves
  • high calcium content contained in these leaves in the trust is able to calm the nerves.
  • Assist in the repair of teeth.
  • Preventing kidney disease
  • Strengthen liver function,
  • Blood circulation
  • Increase appetite
  • Prevent constipation
  •  Preventing asthma
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Abatement anemia
  • preventing obesity
  • Helps maintain the flexibility of muscle activity.
  • Slow the aging process

In addition to the prevention of diseases such as above, celery is also capable of treating some diseases which are colds, nausea, diarrhea, high blood pressure, vertigo, rheumatism, gout, allergies, cough etc. In addition to direct consumption in the form of vegetables, celery can also be processed to treat certain diseases.
Here are a variety of ways to process leaf celery can be used to cure diseases:

Celery for health benefits
  1. Lose excess weight / obesity
    Sports celery leaves into juice, drink before eating. Do this regularly to materialize the ideal body weight.
  2. Treating rheumatism
    To treat the disease, celery leaves can be used fresh vegetables on a regular basis. Surely celery should be clean and fresh.
  3. Lowering high blood pressure
    To treat this disease the way is prepared celery stalks and roots as well at approximately 100 g, this herb to clean washing continues until finely ground. Add 100 ml of water, then cook until cooked concoction. Drink this concoction 2x a day.
  4. To relieve cough
    Prepare celery complete with roots and stems that are still fresh and still fresh, cut into the form of seasoning. Add 3 cups of water and then cooked until boiling. Strain the water and leave to cool, then add honey to taste. Drink the potion morning and evening or as needed.
  5. Treating dry eye
    Prepare celery, spinach leaves and moringa leaves are still fresh, approximately 1/3 handheld, wash them clean, Mash until smooth concoction that we prepared, and do not forget to be mixed with a little salt. Add a little water ripe approximately 1/3 cup, Stir, then strain and take the water. Drinking the juice 3x daily
That's the benefit of celery leaves as a flavoring and herbal medicine, a way that could be used as an alternative medicine to prevent and treat diseases mentioned above. But the simplest is to eat celery in the form of vegetable that can be enjoyed as a family.

Efficacy And Benefit strawberries

In Indonesia strawberries Strawberries known by the name of the Dutch language aardbei, and cultivated areas Sukabumi, Cianjur, Cipanas, Lembang, Magelang, Batu, Malang and Bali. This plant can grow rapidly and healthily at high altitudes, the air temperature is relatively dingi the sun is not too strong. 

Strawberry or strawberry fruit is a herbaceous plant that was first discovered in Chile, USA. One strawberry plant species is Fragaria chiloensis L spread to many countries of America, Europe and Asia. Furthermore, other species, namely L. F. vesca is more widespread than other species. These types of strawberries also the first to enter Indonesia.

It was a sweet and slightly sour makes him a lot of rage. The content of vitamin C found in strawberries more than 1 orange orange, because strawberries provides 94 milligrams of vitamin C or 1.5 requirement of vitamin C daily. Many of the benefits of consuming vitamin C, among others, maintain healthy teeth and gums stay healthy children, helps wound healing and enhance the body's resistance to infection as well as being an antioxidant that helps reduce the risk of some cancers.

Nutritional content per 100 grams of fruit consisting of:
  •  Energy (37 calories) 
  • Protein (0.8 grams) 
  • Fat (0.5 grams) 
  • Vitamin A (60 SI) 
  • Vitamin B1 (0.03 mg) 
  • Vitamin C (60 grams) 
  • Water (89.9 grams)   
Here are the benefits of consuming strawberries:
  1. Benefits of strawberries to Overcome Heat In
    It turned out to enjoy the strawberry juice can eliminate heartburn. Well, here Strawberry juice recipes that you can cobs at home. For the material you need to set 5 fresh strawberries, washed and cut into pieces, 100 cc of soy milk, sugar to taste, 8 pieces of ice cubes. Then mix all the ingredients, then fine blender, serve immediately in a cold state
  2. Strawberry Fruit Benefits for Anti-Cancer
    Vitamin A found in these fruits, may help prevent the formation of free radicals, vitamin C keep the reaction hazard in the cell, vitamin E, ellagic acid can be in charge of protecting Binding Bari cell damage by free radicals. Ellagic acid will help cripple the active work of the cancer cells.
  3. Efficacy strawberries for Anti Aging
    Fruit symbol of love, it is also has a concentration of seven anti-oxidant substances higher than other fruits or vegetables, so that the strawberry is a fruit that effectively prevents the oxidation process in the body by free radicals. As vitamin BI, B2, C and provitamin A in strawberries can smooth the skin and make the skin color is more bright, clean and can prevent teriadinya wrinkling of the skin.
  4. Efficacy Fruit Strawberry to Whiten Teeth
    Strawberries also has its own power to whiten your teeth. Mash strawberries, then using a finger, stick to the teeth and then leave it for a minute or two. After the scrub with a toothbrush thoroughly.
  5.  Benefits of strawberries to Prevent Leukemia
    Strawberries also have a very good therapeutic effect for preventing leukemia, anemia (lack of blood) and blood diseases. Two kinds of substances contained in them, "strawberry amine" clan "tanae acid,, has an inhibition effect and the occurrence of malignant tumors.
  6. Benefits of strawberries for Skin Tightening
    Strawberries are eaten regularly can tighten, soften, and makes skin tones brighter and cleaner. In addition to eat them on a regular basis would not hurt you to try the recipes 'homemade' This strawberry scrub to your skin more 'sleek'. Prepare three fresh strawberries, 3 tablespoons honey, 3 tablespoons of baking soda, 3 tablespoons sugar,
    I give a little water. Then blenderlah all ingredients until smooth before. Strawberries will make your skin smooth and fragrant, honey is believed to contain a lot of vitamin E, baking soda will help cleanse the skin, seclangkan granulated sugar will work like a scrub that will help mengangkattumpukan Bel-Bel skin math on your skin.

Kelengkeng Fruit Ingredients And Benefits

Kelengkeng fruit is a tropical fruit that is very fertile lives in Indonesia, especially in the highlands. Kelengkeng fruit came from mainland southeast asia. This fruit has a characteristic clusters, have the fruit skin is light brown to black with a surface rather berbintil-nodule with juicy fruit flesh and clear and sweet taste. 

Litchi trees can reach a height of 40 m and a trunk diameter of up to about 1 m. Leafy compound, with 2-4 (-6) pairs of leaflets, mostly hairless meeting in axial section. Petiole 1-20 cm, 0.5 to 3.5 cm leaf stalk children. Kids round leaves elongated, length lk. 1-5 times its width varies from 1.5 to 20 cm × 3-45, mengertas until menjangat, with feathers felt mainly in sebalah under near reinforcement leaf.

Ingredients Fruit Kelengkeng

Kelengkeng fruit flesh contains sucrose, glucose, protein, fat, vitamin A, vitamin B, tartarik acid and chemical plant compounds (phytochemicals) more useful for health. Kelengkeng fruit is also useful healthy gut and improve the absorption of food, smooth urination, tackle intestinal worms, treat headaches, vaginal discharge and hernia.

Kelengkeng Nutritional content per 100 grams:
  •  calories 60 kcal 
  • 15 grams carbohydrate
  • 1.3 grams protein
  •  1.1 grams of fiber 
  • 83 grams of water
  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 0,031 mg 
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.14 mg 
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 0.3 mg 
  • Vitamin C 84 mg
  •  Calcium 1 mg 
  • Iron 0.13 mg 
  • Manganese 0.05 mg 
  • Magnesium 10 mg
  • Phosphorus 21 mg 
  • Potassium 266 mg 
  • Zinc 0.05 mg   
 Efficacy and Benefits of Fruit Kelengkeng

Some of the benefits of Kelengkeng fruit for the treatment, namely:
  1. Kelengkeng Fruit Benefits For Missing Appetite, affluent Weak And Diarrhea
    Eat 60 grams of fresh Kelengkeng fruit, perform twice daily in the morning and evening.
  2. Kelengkeng Fruit Benefits For Pedicure Itching And fester
    Take some longan seeds, roasted on the fire. Mash until smooth, spread on the affected part.
  3. Kelengkeng Fruit Benefits For weak or repair Body weight after illness
    Consumption of 250 grams of fresh longan fruit every day
  4. Kelengkeng Fruit Benefits For Burns
    Take a bit of skin or shell longan, grilled until charred. Finely crushed and mix with tung oil (Aleuritis fordii). Dab on the part and burned.
  5. Kelengkeng Fruit Benefits For Amnesia, Mental Decline, anxiety (anxiety)
    "Tonic Kelengkeng" (gui yan gao): 500 grams of fresh Kelengkeng fruit and 500 grams of sugar, boil them in water until it becomes thick. Drink each day one scoop.
  6. Kelengkeng Fruit Benefits For wounds that never healed Affairs
    Take a bit of skin or shell Kelengkeng, grilled until charred. Finely crushed and mix with olive oil. Apply on the wound area.
  7. Kelengkeng Fruit Benefits For The Weak And Less Power While Pregnant
    Take each day one scoop "tonic Kelengkeng" in the morning and evening.

Mulberry Benefits for Body Health

Mulberry comes from China and can grow well at altitude of more than 100 m above sea level, and require a lot of sunlight. Fill mulberry there is a lot we know by various names murbain (Java); kerta, kitau (Sumatra); Sangye (china), Maymon, dau tam (vietnam); Morus leaf, fruit Morus, mulberry leaf, mulberry bark; Twigs mulberry, white mulberry, mulberry (England).

Mulberry is a plant that has been cultivated and loved areas is relatively bases such as slope of the mountain, but on soil that is well drained, sometimes found growing wild.

Tall tree about 9 m, branching and leafy, smooth-haired young branches. Single leaf, alternate layout, stemmed, which measure about 4 cm. Leaf blade ovate to heart-shaped pointed tip, base blunt, serrated edge pertulangan pinnate rather prominent, upper and lower surfaces rough, 2,5-20cm length, width of 1.5 to 12 cm and the color green.

Mulberry has many benefits, be it fruit mulberry leaves to the branches. The fruit are rich in berry fruits, juicy and tastes good, this plant is cultivated for its leaves used to feed silkworms, leaf disayur tasty and nutritious as blood cleanser for people who often have a boil.

In addition, as broadcast apotekherbal mulberry leaves mulberry leaves also have other kasiat include:
Fever, influenza, malaria, cough, rheumatism, high blood pressure; Diabetes (diabetes mellitus)

Elephantiasis ; inflamed red eyes, reproduce ation (breast milk), night sweats, vomiting blood, coughing up blood, coughing up phlegm, high cholesterol.

Worms, facial swelling, difficulty urinating, neurastenia, palpitations, thirst and a dry mouth, difficulty sleeping, ringing in the ears, constipation, deafness.

Vertigo, hepatitis, anemia, gray hair, headache, sore throat, toothache, back pain, hair fertility.

High blood pressure, leg swelling
Fresh mulberry leaves as much as 15 grams of washed and then boiled with 2 cups water for 15 minutes. After the cold filtered water is then divided to 2 x drink in the morning and afternoon.
Expand the release of ASI
The leaves are cooked as a vegetable and eaten with rice.
Gonorrhea skin
Mulberry root, fennel braised Sandel pulosari and wood.
Ulcers and inflammation of the skin
The fresh leaves as much as a handful of washing then boiled in two cups of water let it run until the remaining one cup. After chilling kemudin filtered, drunk.
Mulberry leaf decoction is also useful for cleaning the blood when taken regularly.
wounds ulcers
Rinse and then smeared with coconut oil. Layukan on fire then diremas2 with your fingers until limp. Then leaf used to close the wound. Previous wound washed with decoction of the roots trenguli.

If bitten by a snake
 Fresh mulberry leaves as much as 20 grams of dry and finely ground, add 1/2 cup cooking water, filtered and squeezed; The collected water can be drunk directly at once.
Night sweats
Dry mulberry leaves as much as 6-9 grams pulverized and then boiled rice with less water to a boil, when cool and drunk. Rheumatism, dry mulberry twigs as much as 15 grams boiled in 3 cups water until the remaining 1 cup. After chilling filtered and drunk.
For chronic hepatitis, anemia, high blood pressure
Fresh mulberry 10 grams plus 1 cup of cooking water and then diblemder. Results blenderan directly diminim once.

Weak heart
mulberries then blended to taste and drink.Shortness of breath, swelling in the ankles and chest pains will be reduced degan mulberry fruit juice every day.Mulberry leaves abroad have now been made injectable drugs. Likal cause injection site pain, sometimes chills, fever and headache that does not require special treatment.Use of twigs avoided when there is deficiency syndrome yin.Pemakaian fruit should be avoided if moderate diarrhea due to cold and deficiency of the spleen and stomach.

CompositionChemical properties and pharmacological effects:leaves are bitter, sweet, cold getting lung and liver meridians. Average fruit is sweet, cool, go meridian heart, liver, and kidneys. root bark is sweet, airy entrance lung meridian. Ranting bitter, neutral, entered the liver meridian.

Chemical IngredientsMulberry leaf contains ecdysterone, inokosterone, lupeol, betasitosterol, routine, moracetin, isoquersetin, scopoletin, scopolin, alpha, betahexenal, cis beta hexenol, cis lamdahexenol, benzaidehide, eugenol, lanaloolbenzyl alcohol, butylamine, acetone, trigonelline, choline, adenine, sour amino, copper, zinc, vitamins (a, b1, c and carotene), chlorogenic acid, fumaric acid, folic acid, acid formyltetrahydrofolik, and mioinositol and also contain phytoestrogens.

Murtea (mulberry tea)Mubei tea is good for kidney health. Diseases that may arise as a result of renal impairment are headache, insomnia, dirty blood, diabetes, vaginal discharge, poisoning drug / food, drug disorders, gout, cholesterol, bone loss.

Moreover, it also prevents the diseases in the elderly, maintaining stamina, prevent stroke, normalize blood pressure, balance the weight, helps eliminate heartburn and constipation / constipation.Even mulberry tea can lower collection rate of fat in the liver, contain chlorophyll and vitamin C, as well as neutralize toxins as are detoxification.

Benefits Keranji acid to kill the bad cholesterol in the body

Keranji acid, Velvet tamarind, indum Dialium, is a tall tropical trees, fruit trees, southern Thailand comes from Malaysia and Indonesia. It belongs to the family Leguminosae, and small.
Because it is considered the wood hard and compact, it is an endangered species, with habitat encroached upon logging and human settlement.

Fruit flavors like tamarind, which is derived the English name. In Thailand, it is called "Luk Yee" or "Yee", and in Malaysia and Indonesia ordinary people calling the name "Keranji". The fruits are used as snack foods like candy in Thailand, often dry, sugar-coated and spiced with chili. Dried fruit has a texture powder, and orange with a sense of black tajam.Warna taste sweet like chocolate candy so much cultivated by the local community (West Kalimantan and East Kalimantan).

In Kalimantan, Indonesia are at least two varieties to be sold in the local market. Both have the same fragile thin skin black, and looks natural like fruits driest. One of the smaller type is about an inch = 25 mm long and has a light reddish-brown powder is packed around a single seed, with a small air space inside the shell. This powder tastes sweet and sour like candy "sweet-tarts", and thus closest to the acid.In Indonesia this tree flowering from November to December and bear fruit ready to be harvested between the months of January to April every 3 years.

Sour fruit is widely used as an acid food in Borneo. In Jakarta, the acid is used often sold in schools as snacks children. Fruit shape of a marble, the color of his skin if it has ripened fruit flesh colored black with brown. Sour taste but not as acidic as tamarind. But there is also a sweet, people used to call the west Kalimantan kranji fruit tart honey. It was like chocolate and honey, very tasty.
Kranji acid is also useful to kill the bad cholesterol in the body, by eating kranji acid daily 3 point.

The composition of the tamarind fruit keranji:

keranji acid (Dialium indum), separated into pulp and seeds, were analyzed for proximate composition, selected inorganic ions and vitamin C. a significant difference (P> 0.001) were observed in the value of moisture (5.9 and 4.9), organic material (97, 5 and 98.2), dry matter (94.1 and 95.1), crude protein (15.7 and 4.2), crude fat (5.4 and 2.6), ash (2.5 and 1.8) , crude fiber (6.6 and 2.2) and total carbohydrate (70.6 and 86.6) for the seeds and pulp, respectively. Hopefully, the level of ascorbic acid (P> 0.001) higher in the pulp (35.7 mg / 100g) compared to seeds (6.4 mg / 100g). Various levels of inorganic ions which have also detected. black keranji acid potentially good source of nutrients for human food and animal feed.

Persimmon Fruit Ingredients and Benefits

Fruit known as the oriental persimmon (UK) and shi (China) has a nutrient content is not less great with apples. Even for the content of certain substances, persimmon champion. For example, the fiber content of a substance contained in a persimmon turns two times more than that in an apple.

Persimmon fruit often called a flirt because like powdered fruit because the fruit skin plastered white powder. In addition, because it looks like an apple, persimmon earning the nickname "the apple of Java" alias "is not an actual apple". Yet, beneath it all, persimmon meruapakan one natural alternative to getting the body healthy and fit.

Ingredients Fruit Persimmon

Some compounds Remove persimmon, namely: 
  • 19.6% carbohydrates, mainly fructose and glucose, 
  • 0.7% protein, vitamin A and potassium. 
  • Persimmon is also rich in lycopene which function as antioxidants preventing cancer, 
  • Phytochemicals lutein, beta-carotene and fiber. 
  • The content of polyphenols in the persimmon can lower bad cholesterol and prevent heart disease. 
  • While the persimmon fiber can bind carcinogens and removing it from the gastrointestinal tract 
Substance tannins (called tannin-foot) contained in a young persimmon causing astringent taste. Tannins substances will be reduced in line with the cooked fruit.

Substance-foot tannin is used to cure a variety of crafts, helping the production of wine-rice in Japan, as well as the material treatment of hypertension. Whereas other substances contained in the persimmon fruit is believed to be a cure various diseases such as asthma, coughing, and stomach pain.

 Efficacy and Benefits of Fruit Persimmon

Here are some benefits of persimmon Remove good for health, namely:
  1. Prevent hardening of the arteries 
  2. Keeping blood pressure that does not pass through the normal threshold 
  3. preventing cancer 
  4. Inhibits the aging process 
  5. Maintaining the flexibility of blood vessels and blood pressure instability are key 
  6. The main maintenance of heart health. 
  7. Healthy lungs 
  8. strengthen the spleen 
  9. Keep the body slim
Fiber substance contained in a persimmon amounting to two times more than that contained in an apple. Of course, very well consumed by those who want to lose weight. As well as vitamin and mineral content of persimmon, persimmon again higher than apples.

Herbal Prescription Drugs from Persimmon Fruit

Persimmon other benefits is can be used as medicine to cure several diseases, among others:
  1. Hypertension Disease - Make persimmon juice by adding warm water. Drink once a day.
  2. Asthma and cough with phlegm - Take two pieces of dried persimmons, add a little water and steam until cooked. Once cooked, puree and add one or two tablespoons of honey.
  3. Abdominal pain - Peel one fresh persimmon fruit, then eat. Consuming fresh persimmon fruit is believed to relieve abdominal pain a pain or burning sensation in the stomach.
  4. Diarrhea and dysentery - Prepare two pieces of dried persimmons. Boil until the mixture becomes sticky rice porridge with sliced oranges and as much as two pieces. Once well blended, remove from heat and ready for consumption by patients two to three times a day. 

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