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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Efficacy And Benefit strawberries

In Indonesia strawberries Strawberries known by the name of the Dutch language aardbei, and cultivated areas Sukabumi, Cianjur, Cipanas, Lembang, Magelang, Batu, Malang and Bali. This plant can grow rapidly and healthily at high altitudes, the air temperature is relatively dingi the sun is not too strong. 

Strawberry or strawberry fruit is a herbaceous plant that was first discovered in Chile, USA. One strawberry plant species is Fragaria chiloensis L spread to many countries of America, Europe and Asia. Furthermore, other species, namely L. F. vesca is more widespread than other species. These types of strawberries also the first to enter Indonesia.

It was a sweet and slightly sour makes him a lot of rage. The content of vitamin C found in strawberries more than 1 orange orange, because strawberries provides 94 milligrams of vitamin C or 1.5 requirement of vitamin C daily. Many of the benefits of consuming vitamin C, among others, maintain healthy teeth and gums stay healthy children, helps wound healing and enhance the body's resistance to infection as well as being an antioxidant that helps reduce the risk of some cancers.

Nutritional content per 100 grams of fruit consisting of:
  •  Energy (37 calories) 
  • Protein (0.8 grams) 
  • Fat (0.5 grams) 
  • Vitamin A (60 SI) 
  • Vitamin B1 (0.03 mg) 
  • Vitamin C (60 grams) 
  • Water (89.9 grams)   
Here are the benefits of consuming strawberries:
  1. Benefits of strawberries to Overcome Heat In
    It turned out to enjoy the strawberry juice can eliminate heartburn. Well, here Strawberry juice recipes that you can cobs at home. For the material you need to set 5 fresh strawberries, washed and cut into pieces, 100 cc of soy milk, sugar to taste, 8 pieces of ice cubes. Then mix all the ingredients, then fine blender, serve immediately in a cold state
  2. Strawberry Fruit Benefits for Anti-Cancer
    Vitamin A found in these fruits, may help prevent the formation of free radicals, vitamin C keep the reaction hazard in the cell, vitamin E, ellagic acid can be in charge of protecting Binding Bari cell damage by free radicals. Ellagic acid will help cripple the active work of the cancer cells.
  3. Efficacy strawberries for Anti Aging
    Fruit symbol of love, it is also has a concentration of seven anti-oxidant substances higher than other fruits or vegetables, so that the strawberry is a fruit that effectively prevents the oxidation process in the body by free radicals. As vitamin BI, B2, C and provitamin A in strawberries can smooth the skin and make the skin color is more bright, clean and can prevent teriadinya wrinkling of the skin.
  4. Efficacy Fruit Strawberry to Whiten Teeth
    Strawberries also has its own power to whiten your teeth. Mash strawberries, then using a finger, stick to the teeth and then leave it for a minute or two. After the scrub with a toothbrush thoroughly.
  5.  Benefits of strawberries to Prevent Leukemia
    Strawberries also have a very good therapeutic effect for preventing leukemia, anemia (lack of blood) and blood diseases. Two kinds of substances contained in them, "strawberry amine" clan "tanae acid,, has an inhibition effect and the occurrence of malignant tumors.
  6. Benefits of strawberries for Skin Tightening
    Strawberries are eaten regularly can tighten, soften, and makes skin tones brighter and cleaner. In addition to eat them on a regular basis would not hurt you to try the recipes 'homemade' This strawberry scrub to your skin more 'sleek'. Prepare three fresh strawberries, 3 tablespoons honey, 3 tablespoons of baking soda, 3 tablespoons sugar,
    I give a little water. Then blenderlah all ingredients until smooth before. Strawberries will make your skin smooth and fragrant, honey is believed to contain a lot of vitamin E, baking soda will help cleanse the skin, seclangkan granulated sugar will work like a scrub that will help mengangkattumpukan Bel-Bel skin math on your skin.

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