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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Fruit Tomato for Health Benefits

Tomatoes (Gycopersicum esculentum Mill.) Is a fruit that is often used as a seasoning and cooking. For example in the soup, vegetables, tamarind, tomato sauce other dishes. In addition, tomatoes are also often used as minumah like tomato juice. But besides good to eat, tomato also has many benefits for health and beauty. Among them eliminate acne, smoothes the skin and as a mask for the face. For treatment, the tomato is believed to cure hemorrhoids, high blood pressure, prevent disease and ward jntung cancer cells.

Benefits of tomatoes for health, could not be separated from the nutrition in it. Tomato fruit contains contains alkaloid solanine (0.007%), saponins, folic acid, malic acid, citric acid, bioflavonoids (including routine), proteins, fats, sugars (glucose, fructose), adenine, trigonelin, kholin, tomatin, minerals (Calcium , Magnesium, phosphorus, Potassium, sodium, iron, sulfur, chlorine), vitamins (B1, B2, B6, C, E, lycopene, niacin), and histamine.

Routine can strengthen the walls of capillaries. Chlorine and sulfur is a trace element that is efficacious detoksikan. Chlorine naturally stimulate the liver to eliminate toxins and sulfur protect the liver from liver cirrhosis and other liver diseases. Lycopene is a yellow pigment beta carotene in tomatoes. Tomatin efficacious as antibiotics. Besides the fruit, tomato leaves also contain pectin, arbutin, amigdalin, and alkaloids.

Benefits and Efficacy of Tomato Fruit
  1. Treating Acne
    Add 25 ml of 70% alcohol in tomato juice (100 ml), then shake evenly. Use the mixture to rub the face with acne. Perform maintenance on the 2 to 3 times a day.
  2. Skin burned by the sun
    Not just tomatoes, leaves also have efficacy for skin beauty. Wash the fresh young leaves, then milled until smooth. Apply on the skin burned.
  3. Treating Hemorrhoids
    Boil some tomatoes that have been cooked in coconut oil for about ten minutes, then strain through a cloth. Once cool, apply on the hemorrhoids
  4. Treat hypertension
    Eating fresh tomatoes as much as 1 to 2 pieces at the time of the morning, when the stomach is empty.
  5. Treating contusion
    If you have bruises due to hit or hit, treat with tomatoes. Team tomato juice with added ginger water and drink when cool.
  6. Appendicitis, jaundice
    Drinking tomato juice, three times a day, each one cup. Continue to consult with a doctor.
  7. Treating Fever
    Rinse 3 ripe tomatoes, then cut into pieces as needed. Crushed in half a cup of cooking water and one tablespoon of pure honey. Squeeze and strain the water, then drink. Do it three times a day. People with diabetes must not add pure honey that blood glucose levels are not increased.
  8. Gingivitis and bleeding gums
    Wash tomatoes that have been cooked, then eaten raw. Do it twice a day, for approximately one month
  9. Treating Thrush
    Cut the tomatoes ripe fruit (two pieces) and cook with fresh fish. After a cold, eat. Do it every day for 1 to 2 weeks until visible improvement.
  10. Gastric ulcer
    Sliced ripe tomatoes and oranges acidified each one fruit. Add one tablespoon of honey, and mix evenly. Eating little-by-little, 3 to 4 times a day, for three weeks.
  11. Increased appetite
    If your child is having difficulty eating, tell him drinking tomato juice an hour before eating.

Apparently, tomatoes which we know as groceries, have great benefits for health. So, do not hesitate to consume tomatoes because the properties are also outstanding.

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