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Friday, June 17, 2016

Efficacy Banana What You Need To Know

Bananas (Musa paradisiaca L) is a type of shrub clump, 3 meters high. Pseudo stem, has midrib, color light green to brown. Single leaf elongated oblong shape easily torn at the bottom of the waxy, green color. Inflorescence form bunches, monoecious, red bract, easy to fall off, corolla yellowish white color triangle. Berry, elongated round combs arranged as two rows.

Chemical Ingredients

Banana contains: noradrenaline, 5-hydroxy triptamin, dopamine, Vitamin A, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C, E, G, serotonin, pectin, and tannins (young fruit). Banana juice contains, tannins and gallic acid. Part used is the fruit and sap.

 Efficacy and Benefits of Bananas:

Uterine bleeding, pressing Vagi * na, thrush intestines, chicken pox, liver (jaundice), and diarrhea, constipation, reduce menstrual pain, strengthens bones, nourish the kidneys, lowering blood pressure, neutralize the acid and prevent stomach irritation, increases levels iron, improve concentration, reduce hangover effects, reduce the effects of morning sickness (nausea and vomiting during early pregnancy), treating the bites, prevent stroke, improving the digestive system, increase body energy fast (instant), boosts the immune system ( contains Vitamin C), fluid and electrolyte balance in the body, lose weight naturally.

How to use :
  1. Yellow Fever: Spot gold bananas are cooked. Pressed Vagi * na and prevent bleeding: banana trees were not flowering beheaded stone to take water clean. How to use: it is used to wash va * gi * na postpartum.
  2. Chickenpox: Bananas klutuk still raw, fennel pulasari taste and 1 piece of brown sugar. Shredded fruit to take water. Then there is mixed with other ingredients until evenly distributed. How to use strained and drunk. 
  3. Diarrhea: Bananas lime menah burned, later in the meal. 
  4. Acne Mask: Take a ripe banana and then pulverized or in blender, then used as a mask. 
  5. Drug Burns: Puree the bananas are ripe, then apply on the affected skin burns. 
  6. Overcoming Itching and Bentol Due Mosquito bites: Apply bananas that have been mashed to a mosquito bite.
Thus some of the benefits and efficacy of banana plants are excellent for keeping your optimum health. May be useful.

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