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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Bamboo rods Efficacy Need to Know

Bamboo plant is very popular in Indonesia, both for buildings, craft or furniture. In the book of Chinese medicine, Bamboo is known as herbal medicine in the form of shavings of bamboo stems and named China Zhu Ru, quite foreign to the ear, right? But does this herb has been used for a long time in traditional Chinese medicine.

Bamboo Chemical Ingredients: acetylcholine, silica, triterpenoids, and polyphenols
Shavings of bamboo rods must be obtained from the bamboo plant which is then sliced ​​thin. Bamboo plant itself is one kind of plant that is growing quite fast. In normal circumstances healthy plants and bamboo grow about 7 cm up to 40 cm per day. Bamboo can grow well in tropical areas with sufficient moisture.
The taste of sweet with a bamboo rod shavings tendency cold temperatures. Chemical constituents contained therein are asetikolin, silica, triterpenoids, and pholipenol.
Work on the body part of the lung, stomach, bladder. Being able to treat and stop the vomiting, coating the tongue thick yellow, nausea, vomiting, morning sickness, lower the heat, irritability, restlessness, transform phlegm heat, cough with phlegm, viscous, sputum thick, the sensation of smothering in the chest, stop the bleeding, bloody sputum , nosebleeds, hematemisis, stop cough, cough with thick sputum, stomach down, dry breath.
Parts used skin white middle greenery. Standard doses of 5-10 grams 5 grams. Cook for 20 minutes.

Physiological effects posed as an antibiotic. To reduce the temperature of the cold can be cooked with ginger juice. Contraindications stagnation due to cold food in the stomach.

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