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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Soursop fruit for health benefits

soursop is a fruit that is often overlooked because they are cheap and have a little health benefits. But now began to rise because there are tremendous benefits to health. Many who crave usefulness by taking it regularly or buy the extract in a drugstore. The benefits of soursop fruit that we can feel, among others:

Soursop fruit for health benefits
  1. Maintaining the body's immune system
    For those of you who have weak immune or sick often you should multiply to consume soursop. This is because to obtain the efficacy of soursop fruit in the form of vitamin C to maintain the body's immune system, prevent premature aging and fend off free radicals.
    For 300 grams of soursop turned out to contain vitamin C is 60 milligrams. The content of vitamin C in soursop turned out to have sufficient vitamin C daily body. To that those of you who want to be healthy, fresh and youthful consumption always soursop fruit regularly.
  2. Expelling bad cholesterol
    Undeniably soursop does contain vitamin C which is very high. But do you know if the fiber content in the soursop is very good for health. These fibers can absorb the bad fats that exist in the body so that in the body there is only good cholesterol.
    So for you especially fond of eating fatty and cholesterol-rich foods you are obliged to drink a glass of soursop juice to feel the benefits of soursop fruit which is fending off bad cholesterol.
  3. Keep bones strong and healthy forever
    Benefits of soursop fruit is because the content of phosphorus and calcium are very high to maintain bone health to be healthy and strong. Soursop fruit which is only 100 grams it contains about 14 mg of calcium and phosphorus as much as 27 mg.
    In addition you can also get the benefits of soursop fruit as copper bermanfat substances to aid in the absorption of bone calcium. If the bones absorb calcium properly it adequacy of bone nutrients could be fulfilled so free from osteoporosis and be healthy and strong bones forever.
  4. Prevent and treat anemia
    If you have a history of anemia and often experience symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, fatigue, etc., you can try to treat it in a natural way that favors to consume soursop. This is because one of the benefits of soursop fruit is to help make red blood cell levels in the body increases.
    For those of you who do not want to make a layover anemia disease does not hurt to consume soursop fruit regularly.
  5. Relieve migraines
    Do you or your loved ones often experience headaches or migraine and taking the prescribed drugs regularly? To accelerate the healing of diseases that interfere with this you have to keep up with regularly consume soursop.
    You need to take advantage of soursop fruit as vitamin B2 or riboflavin to cope with the headaches.
  6. Preventing cancer
    Soursop also contains the phytochemical acetogenins Annonaceous very well to parry a variety of malicious attacks to the body, including cancer. You can take advantage of soursop fruit to consume to prevent cancer. Because some types of cancer can be prevented by the consumption of soursop such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, etc.. To get a million benefits you can consume it regularly by consuming processed materials as well as directly eat.
Like the other pieces you need to enter the soursop fruit as a daily menu for you to make incredible benefits for health.

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