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Saturday, August 6, 2016

Melon Fruit for Health Benefits

Melon (curcumis melo) still bersaudaran with pumpkin, cantaloupe and watermelon. Melon belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae. Melon flesh has a texture that is soft portion with a sweet taste and refreshing because it contains a lot of water.

Melon is usually used as a table fruit. Aatau can also be used as juice, and mix fresh drinks cold. But the benefits of melon not only as food, but also beneficial to health. This is because the content of the nutrients found in this fruit is quite a lot.

Here is the content of nutrients and some melon fruit for health benefits:
  1. Sources of Vitamin C
    Vitamin C is a vitamin that is essential for the body. Vitamins act as antioxidants that counteract free radicals that boost the immune system. Daily vitamin C needs adults is about 90 mg. One cup melon 1/3 able to meet the daily requirement of vitamin C, or about 30 mg.
  2. Sources of Vitamin A
    Vitamin A has a very important function in the body. Among them is the preserve eye health, teeth, skin, bone, and mucous membranes. In one melon, capable of providing 25% more vitamin A than the daily requirement.
  3. rich in Potassium
    Potassium or potassium functions to maintain a healthy heart and keep blood pressure to remain stable. Every day, adults need 4700 mg of potassium. One cup of melon to provide about 43 mg of potassium to be absorbed by body.
  4. The content of Lycopene
    Some studies suggest that lycopene can lower the risk of some types of cancer also prevents the occurrence of heart attacks. One cup of melon contains 9 mg to 13 mg of lycopene.
  5. Preventing Diabetes and Stroke
    In addition to some of the above benefits, melon also includes fruit and low in calories and low in fat. Consuming fresh fruits such as melons can help reduce the risk of serious diseases such as diabetes and stroke.
  6. Nourish Eye
    Benefits melon can also nourish the eyes, the fruit is enriched with beta-carotene content of substances that are useful to improve the sharpness of vision and eye health. Beta-carotene is converted by the body into vitamin A and are used fix improves the functioning of the eye.
  7. Preventing Cancer
    Carotenoids are pigments as color poster on fruit and vegetables. High carotenoid content in melon fruit can prevent some cancers, such as lung cancer and breast cancer.
It turned out that in addition to good to eat and a refreshing, melon also contains many health benefits. So do not hesitate to consume melons

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