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Friday, August 5, 2016

How to Cure Swollen gums that is Effective

How to cure swollen gums that are practical, safe and can be done at home is one of the medical knowledge that is highly sought society. Problems swollen gums taste is not an issue that is rarely encountered in everyday life. Pain arising from swollen gums can also sometimes very disturbing daily activities. This is why the guidelines on how to cure swollen gums become indispensable.

Swollen gums can be caused by several factors. Starting from brushing one until the infection process. Swollen gums can also be caused by circumstances that have unhealthy teeth. So, to prevent things that can make swollen gums should also be known to those who often experience these problems. Read this article to get a more complete explanation of how to cure swollen gums.

Some Ways To Treat Gum swelling Practical and You Can Try at Home

When you're sick, of course, your first instinct is to go to the competent health personnel. However, try natural remedies are readily available and easy to do can be an alternative treatment is quite tempting. To cope with swollen gums, you can try the ways below before going to the doctor because it is practical and can be done at home. Here are some ways to treat swollen gums at home that is practical: 
1. Clove oil

Clove oil is one way to cure swollen gums are the most famous. In fact, in addition to helping heal swollen gums, clove oil can also be useful as a reliever toothache. Clove oil contains eugenol, a compound that can act as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Eugenol can reduce swelling and pain in the gums are sore and helps maintain healthy gum tissue and teeth. How to take advantage of cloves to cure swollen gums easy enough, chew cloves to remove the oil that tasted bitter. Clove oil that has come out should not be taken, but leave it in your mouth, especially rub on your gums are swollen area. In addition to being bitten, removing the other clove oil is to grind or a shove.
2. Salt Water Gargle
How to cure swollen gums more no less effective is to use a solution of salt water. The content contained in salt water can inhibit the growth of bacteria in the mouth and help prevent infections that can cause tooth and gum problems are more severe. How to use salt water as a way to cure swollen gums is quite easy, just need to dissolve 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of salt into a glass of warm water starfruit, then gargle with the solution twice a day until the pain disappears. Another way that you can do is rubbing salt on swollen gums after you finish brushing your teeth. Then rinse with warm water.
3. Compress
There are two kinds of packs that can be used as a way to cure swollen gums, ie warm and cold compresses. Compresses to swollen gums can relieve pain and swelling in a fairly short time. Keep in mind that compresses do in the face, not directly performed on the surface of the inflamed gums. It's easy, providing a clean cloth and soak in warm water. Lift the cloth, wring it out until no water is dripping. Put the cloth covering on the face being swollen gums, do it for 5 minutes. Next, provide a plastic ice cubes or a cloth dipped in ice water, then put in the same place until the gum feels numb. Do this 2-3 times a day. This can be done repeatedly when the gum is very painful.
4. Baking Soda 
Baking soda or baking soda is an ingredient baking is quite useful for your oral health. Baking soda powder containing sodium bicarbonate compounds that can affect the pH or acidity of the environment menteralkan your mouth. more alkaline pH of the mouth that will make your mouth bad bacteria difficult to survive so that acts as an antimicrobial. Baking soda can also prevent the formation of plaque and can whiten teeth color. How to use baking soda into how to cure swollen gums is to dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in warm water. Massage the gums are swollen with the solution several times a day. Additionally, you can put baking powder sida in toothpaste when you brush your teeth.
5. Aloe sap 
Utilizing the sap of the aloe vera leaf is a way to treat swollen gums more potent enough. Aloe vera sap contains anti-inflammatory effects and also anti bacterial that can prevent the formation of plaque on the teeth and gums, and suppress the growth of bad bacteria in the oral cavity. Not to forget, the sap of the aloe vera can also relieve pain caused by swollen gums. How to take advantage of aloe vera sap as a way to cure swollen gums is to apply gel or sap in the swollen gums. Besides smeared, aloe vera sap can also be mixed with water, and the solution was used to rinse. No wonder that today many toothpastes that add components to their products aloe vera, given the benefits for oral health.
6. Leaf Tea Pouch
One of the unique ways that you can do sebagaicara cure swollen gums that is simple and practical is to use a bag of tea leaves consumables. The tea leaves are required and can be used to treat swollen gums are black tea leaves or tea is usually sold in the Indonesian market. Black tea has a relatively high tannin content which can reduce swelling in the joints. Antioxidants contained in tea also can maintain healthy gums. It's easy, dip the tea bag in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then remove from heat. Wait until the temperature warms up. Attach the bag swollen gums for 10-15 minutes. Afterwards, gargle with warm salt water. Repeat this several times hail one day.
You can try natural and herbal treatments to overcome the problems you experienced ynag swollen gums. However, if you have tried various ways over and swollen gums do not get better within 5 to 7 days, please do not hesitate to consult your concerns to the dentist. Especially considering the many causes that can trigger swelling of the gums. Do not forget to maintain oral hygiene by brushing teeth the right way every day, because of poor oral hygiene are particularly vulnerable causes swollen gums. Happy healthy life.

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