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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Fragrant Pandanus Leaf Benefits for Health

Fragrant pandan has the Latin name (Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb.) And includes family Pandanaceae. These plants usually live in marshes or in places that are moist and shady. However, because the benefits are big enough for human life, this plant is now cultivated and planted in the yard. For breeding is done by separating the new shoots of a clump that grows among the roots.

Fragrant pandan benefits for human life is as natural food dyes as well as fragrances. Yes, fragrant pandan leaves give rise to a distinctive aroma. Typically used for the manufacture of cakes and drinks.

In addition to preservatives and fragrance, the plant is also often used as traditional medicine. Which can be used to treat rheumatism, stiff, uneasy and treating nervous weakness.

In addition, the fragrant pandan leaves are also used to a world of beauty as a natural ingredient for hair care. Among others, to nourish the hair, black hair, hair loss to get rid of dandruff.

In every region in Indonesia, fragrant pandan have different names. The content contained therein are alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, tannins, polyphenols, and dyestuffs.

Pandan Fragrant for Health Benefits

It has long been used as a fragrant pandan leaf herbal ingredients to treat various diseases. Here are some recipes treatment using fragrant pandan leaves  
  1. Treating rheumatism
    Rheumatism is a common disease suffered by the elderly. Well, those old days when stricken with rheumatic using fragrant pandan leaves to cope. Way, take 3 pieces of fresh pandan leaves, washed and cut into pieces. Pour half a cup of coconut oil that has been boiled, stirring, stirring until evenly distributed. Once cool, use as a liniment for massaging the painful area.
  2. Treating stiff
    Hard worker usually often experience stiff body. However, if near your house there is a fragrant pandan plant, can be used to treat stiff you know. The trick, 5 provide fresh pandan leaf and 20 leaves of lemon grass. Rinse and then pounded until smooth. Add 1 tablespoon oil gandapura eucalyptus and oil and mix well. Use the mixture to rub and massage the sore body parts.
  3. Treating weak nerves
    Take Pandanwangi 3 leaves, washed and cut into pieces. Boil 3 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups only. After a cold, drink the potion 2 times a day every morning and afternoon, each one glass for each drink.
  4. Overcoming restless
    Often the person is exposed to emotional problems so feel uneasy. Usually at night. If you experience this, take 2 pieces of fragrant pandan leaves and then wash and thinly slice. Pour a glass of boiling water. Once cool, strain the water and drink as well. Make two or three times a day until you feel calm.
  5. Lowering high blood pressure
    For those who suffer from high blood pressure, aka hypertension, fragrant pandan leaves can be used to overcome them. Way, take a few pieces of fragrant pandan leaves and then boiled with three cups of water until the remaining 2 cups. Strain the water, then drink the potion twice a day morning and afternoon.
  6. Increase appetite
    Take 2 pieces of pandan leaves, wash and cut into small pieces. Boil 3 cups of water until the remaining half. Strain the water and drink the mixture two times a day.
  7. Overcoming impotence
    Besides being used as a medicine nervous weakness, fragrant pandan also efficacious to treat impotence in men. Take three pieces of fragrant pandan leaves, wash and cut into small pieces. Boil 4 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups. Mibum the concoction twice a day, every morning and afternoon each 1 glass for each drink. Do it regularly.
 That's some fragrant pandan benefits to health may add information to the reader

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