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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Benefits of Ginger Rhizome On Health

Ginger is an herb that is very easy to find in Indonesia. ginger is also believed to be used as an herbal remedy for many types of health gagguan ranging from minor ailments such as nausea, vomiting and coughing can also cope with serious illnesses such as cancer. The content that is in the ginger is very effective in inducing a positive effect in the stomach so that ginger is usually used to treat health problems related to stomach problems.

Besides good for the stomach, the chemical constituents in the ginger is also very good for the health of nerves and muscles. Here are some benefits of ginger to treat the disease.

Benefits of ginger for health

There are at least five health problems that can be addressed effectively by ginger and already have scientific and medical research, see more of the following:
  1. Dizzy
    Dizziness is a condition where you feel the head feels light and objects are seen to be spinning (vertigo). This makes the body will lose its balance and your body will feel float so that it could be people who experience dizziness will fall suddenly. To overcome dizziness, you can use ginger for allegedly capable of blood flow into the brain and is also able to relieve nausea, dizziness usually where people also experience nausea.
  2. Menstrual pain
    Several studies have shown that ginger can also help overcome the pain caused by menstruation. You are advised to consume extracts of ginger or ginger water regularly, especially when your first three days of menstruation. Efficacy of ginger will be more effective because the effect is almost the same as the efficacy of ibuprofen
  3. Prevent morning sickness
    Morning sicknes is a condition of nausea and vomiting usually experienced by women who are pregnant. This condition is actually reasonable because of the hormonal changes in the body but this condition can also make a pregnant woman to be disturbed and became ill. Conditions nausea and vomiting due to morning sicknes this data is minimized by using ginger. Ginger is generally safe to eat, but because of the situation of pregnant women is more sensitive than the normal person then you should consult your doctor about the use of herbal medicines.
  4. Osteoarthritis
    Osteoarthritis is a condition in which inflammation in parts of the bones and joints. According to some studies, the content of which is in the ginger is able to minimize the pain of arthritis. Also in ginger also contains a compound that can stimulate the formation of salicylic acid where the acid is the acid that is capable of reducing pain and discomfort when the pain in the body.
  5. Nausea and vomiting after surgery
    For those of you who are undergoing a surgical procedure should be to consume ginger after the operation is completed because it can help you reduce nausea and vomiting. In addition you can also apply the oil of ginger in the chest, nose and wrists so as not to nausea and vomiting.
That's the benefit of ginger that you should know. In general, this ginger does not cause side effects when taken in excess amount can make the side effects such as diarrhea, pain in the gut and stomach discomfort. In use on the skin surface can also cause irritation if it does not fit or have allergies. Similarly, a review of the benefits of ginger, may be useful for you.

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