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Monday, August 1, 2016

Benefits Leaves Binahong and Usefulness

Binahong? In not know? How Gondola. Yes, binahong widely known by the name of Gondola in Indonesia. Benefits leaves binahong never lie you know. Many are already familiar with the evidence for the efficacy of this binahong leaves alias benefits. Now the problem is, do we know the benefits of this binahong leaves? Here we will discuss in detail. 

Leaves binahong has the Latin name Bassela Rubra Linn. Plant this one has a curved leaf shape with the shape of the near rod resembles a heart. This one plant can live anywhere. These plants can live in the lowlands, and the highlands. For those of us who are interested in planting later can easily reap the results. This one common plant found in China, Madagascar, and Korea. Similarly, Indonesia. The number of plants, it is very unfortunate if it is not used well. Moreover, in some countries, such as China, leaves binahong is already very commonly used for drugs in the form of tea all the time.

Leaves binahong has two major benefits for the human body. Binahong leaves can be used for the benefit of beauty and health. This is because the leaves have a high protein binahong, anti-microbial, saponis, arkobat acid, and total phenols. The contents of this helps us with many diseases. Here we refer to his review:

Efficacy Leaves Binahong To Health

Leaves binahong have health benefits that so many kinds. This is what causes the leaves binahong in China can be said of popular use. Various diseases overcome by the benefits binahong leaves. Let us mention many of them such as: impotence, hemorrhoid bleeding, coughing up blood, vomiting blood, diabetes, low blood, lung disease, ulcerative lesions, diabetes, diabetes, ulcerative lesions, fractures, rashes, eczema skin, kidney inflammation, dysentery, concussion weight and interests, warms the body, nosebleeds, increase appetite, making smooth menstruation, bleeding gums, can improve immunity, arthritis, burns, bruises, ulcers, typhoid, scarring, pain, accidents, swelling of the heart, muscle pains, stress, blood clots, swelling of the liver, and prevent stroke. The amount of benefits binahong leaves is of course very long if covered everything. Some will be discussed such as:
  1. The distortion Maag
    Gastritis is a disease that is very disturbing daily human activities. Day-to-day with many movements, it takes a fit body. How to get fit is to keep the body bags of rice to stay awake so that we can easily devour a variety of foods. Unfortunately, if infected ulcer, food enters the body will get sick and even disturbing activities.

    In severe cases, people with ulcers may experience hospitalization and also a cold sweat. It's important to overcome this ulcer. One way around that is to Efficacy binahong leaves. Binahong leaves boiled and then after it has cooled, boiled water leaves binahong drunk. Water decoction should be taken regularly. When it is taken regularly, heartburn disorder undoubtedly will be reduced.
  2. Relieves Cholesterol
    The biggest fear people today one of which is a cholesterol problem. Cholesterol is too high will disrupt circulation. Smooth blood circulation will obviously cause buildup. This cholesterol buildup eventually will invite many diseases. Benefits Leaves binahong with strong compounds can reduce cholesterol ease alias. The trick is very simple. Quite a few pieces of boiled leaves with water. Air stew was deemed sufficient shrinkage and thick with leaves essences binahong stay drunk only after it has cooled.
  3. Reduce Uric Acid
    Uric acid is produced by the body turned out to be excessive and accumulate in the joints. After accumulate in the joints, this will disrupt our activity slowly. The longer it is left, will shape crystals that cause long-term paralysis. Of course this can not be left alone bagitu. The main way to do this is by using a leaf binahong.
    Binahong leaves that have been picked are used in the stew. Water boiled awaited shrinkage after binahong leaves inserted. After quite cold, drink the cooking water. Potation can not directly cure or reduce uric acid if only once or not routine. Therefore, it is important to drink regularly to keep the leaves binahong health benefits can be felt.
Quick and easy, instead, use the leaves binahong than continued use of chemical drugs? So, wait no more and quotation binahong leaves us now and feel its usefulness.

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