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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Potatoes for health benefits

Want to know the benefits of a raw potato juice for your health? Potatoes are one among the many types of vegetables were found. In addition to making full, sense-it was also delicious. Potatoes are rich in carbohydrates, proteins (amino acids) as well as many vitamins and minerals. Potatoes contain vitamin C, vitamin A and B, folic acid, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and so on.

Potatoes, other than cooked or fried, you can also consume raw potato juice is useful for health. Potato juice can help in addressing issues such as reducing the acidity of the stomach and cure ulcer disease.

Here we will share some of the benefits of a raw potato juice to the health of the human body. 

Cure hepatitis 
Potato juice helps clean the liver and gall bladder due to assume the character of an anti-oxidant. In many countries, this potato juice is used as a natural cure for hepatitis. 

Treating cancer 
Raw potato juice can help prevent cancer and even memb4smi some cancer cells. Juice that one can eliminate free radicals in the body that cause damage org4n-org4n and cause cancer. It is one among the best benefits for the health of the potato juice. 

Joint pain and inflammation 
Potato juice also helps lighten the joint pain and inflammation due to have anti-inflammatory character. Also reduce the pain and inflammation of the joints. Fresh potato juice drink in the morning on an empty stomach. It is one among the best use of raw potato juice. 

Cholesterol medications 
Potato juice helps in lowering the cholesterol content, the variety it can prevent heart disease and heart attack. Drinking juice of fresh potatoes every day to reduce the content of cholesterol.  

Lose weight 
Potato juice helps get rid of excessive fat when consumed regularly every day. The raw potato juice should be taken in the morning one hour before breakfast and before sleep. You can also mix a little honey to taste and to decrease excessive weight. 

Treat wounds 
Juice of potato is so efficient in healing ulcers in the stomach and intestines. These drinks can neutralize stomach acid and makes the composition of the gut so it can heal. 

Treating constipation 
Drinking fresh potato juice every night before bed may help facilitate defecation. This sort of thing because the raw potato juice is rich in fiber which helps to treat constipation and to ensure healthy digestion. 

Increase the good bacteria 
Juice potato increase the population of probiotics in the gut to help in the absorption of vitamins and help to fight bacterial infections. 

Keeping blood pressure 
Juice potatoes contain potassium which is good for the heart as well as oth "uluh blood. This sort of thing can help protect the insistence of normal blood and prevent heart attacks. This can is among the best benefits for the health of raw potato juiice.

Treating kidney 
Juice of potato is widely used in the treatment of kidney disease as well as helping to drain calcium stones. Raw potato juice is also used in the treatment of diabetes and urinary tract infections   

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