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Monday, July 4, 2016

Jambu Mete (Anacardium Occidentale)

Cashew nuts from Brazil, are scattered in the tropics and is found at an altitude between 1-1200 m above sea level. Cashew nuts will bear fruit better in dry climates with rainfall of less than 500 mm per year. This plant can grow in all kinds of soil, provided it's not in the dense clay soil and stagnant water.

Trees, 8-12 m high, has many branches and twigs. Curved rod, woody, gummy, branching from the base. Single leaf, stemmed, long from 4 to 22.5 cm, a width of 2.5 -15 cm. Leaf blade breech oval, flat edge, base tapering, rounded tip with a small indentation in the middle, pertulangan pinnate, green. Flowers monoecious have male flowers and female flowers, arranged panicle shape, out in axillary or at the ends of branches. The fruit stone, hard, arched. Fruit stalk gradually ballooned into a pseudo soft fruit, such as peer fruit, yellow, sometimes stained red, slightly astringent taste sweet, contains a lot of water, and fibrous. Seeds elliptic, curved, flat, dark brown color.

Wood used for firewood, charcoal and wood-producing species although not loud enough with a density of 500 kg / cm and can be used for lightweight construction. The edible seeds, vitamin C is very high. Oil seeds (CNSL), commercially valuable. All parts of the tree are used for medicine. The young leaves of the cashew preferably as a salad, raw or cooked. 

Older leaves are used as a medicine for skin, to cope with rashes on the skin. All parts of the tree can also be used in traditional medicinal herbs, especially to cure skin; for cleaning the mouth; and to laxatives (purgativa). A kind of sap which hardens in the open air (gum) produced from stem injured. Gom adhesive can be a good book, as well as prevent attack by termites; which is also good for glue or plywood frame
Cashew Nut Ingredients:
The bark contains tannin which is quite a lot, tanning substances, gallic acid and catechin gingkol. The leaves contain tannin-error, flavonol, anakardiol acid, elagat acids, phenolic compounds, kardol, and methyl kardol. The fruit contains proteins, fats, vitamins (A, B and C), calcium, phosphorus, iron, and sulfur.
Pericarp contains tannin, acid anacardic and elagat acid. Seeds contain 40-45% oil and 21% protein. The oil is rich in oleic acid, linoleic acid, and vitamin E. The sap contains furufural. Anacardic acid efficacious bactericidal, fungicidal, deadly worms and protozoa. (Dalimartha, 2000). In addition cashew leaf young has a composition of chemical ingredients such as vitamin A for SI 2,689 per 100 grams, 65 grams of vitamin C per 100 grams, calories 73 grams per 100 grams, 4.6 grams protein per 100 gram, fat 0, 5 grams per 100 grams, carbohydrate 16.3 grams per 100 grams, 33 milligrams of calcium per 100 grams, 64 milligrams of phosphorus per 100 grams, 8.9 grams of iron per 100 grams, and 78 grams of water per 100 grams (Yuniarti, 2008) 

Tannins are phenolic compounds that contain protein. Tannins composed of various groups of oligomers and polymers. Therefore, there is some confusion about the terminology that is used to identify or classify tannin. One of the definitions of the most well given by Horvath (1981), Tanin is a phenolic compounds with molecular weight high enough that it contains hydroxyl and other groups that are suitable (such as carboxyl) to form a complex that is effective with protein and macromolecule others under certain environmental conditions are studied. Tannins are a complex form of protein, starch, cellulose and mineral (Wibowo, 2001). 

Flavonols most often occur as glycosides, usually 3-glycosides and flavonol aglycone common: kamferol, quercetin, and mirisetin efficacious as an antioxidant and antiimflamasi. Other flavonols contained in the wild mostly variations of a simple structure of flavonols. Flavonol solution under alkaline conditions are oxidized by air but not so fast that the use of the base in the process can still be done (Robinson, 1995).
Catechins found in plants around the world, especially in woody plants. These compounds are easily obtained in large quantities of condensed extract of Uncaria gambier and dried tea leaves containing approximately 30% of these compounds. Efficacious as an antioxidant catechin

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