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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Health Benefits of Coconut's

Coconut nickname as the tree of life because it provides many benefits for mankind. Almost all parts of the coconut tree from the roots, stems, leaves and fruit can be used.

Well, what is the relationship between the coconuts with health? According to some studies, coconuts both old and young to have compounds that are beneficial to health. Okay, here are some of the benefits of coconuts for the health of the human body as reported Magforwomen page:

Coconut milk to the bone

One of the beneficiaries of the coconut, which is taken santannya. Well, it turns out this milk has great benefits for bone health. In addition it can strengthen bones, coconut milk can also be used to relieve bone pain that is often suffered by the elderly. Coconut milk can also prevent bone loss.

Lowering blood pressure

Coconut milk has a high potassium content and is believed to be able to regulate blood pressure. Some studies show that milk can lower high blood pressure. However, be careful because of the cholesterol content in milk is also high.

Lose weight

Coconut meat is rich in natural fiber that the body needs digestion. Consuming coconut fruit can also help someone who is having difficulty defecating. Besides coconut meat that is processed into milk can help you lose weight gradually

Boost the immune system

Electrolyte content in the fruit can help the body prevent various viruses such as cold viruses. Besides coconut water is a natural detox that remove toxins from the body. Therefore, our first parents often use green coconut water to treat food poisoning

Increases energy

Drinking coconut water is a natural way to boost the body's energy. So, if you experience fatigue after a day of activities, try to drink coconut water

Flexing muscles

Avocation can trigger someone terkan stress and muscle tension. To fix this you can drink coconut water. The content of magnesium in coconut and coconut water can help loosen the muscles so that the tension can be removed

Substitute fluids

A study showed that the content of electrolytes in coconut water is the same as the content of the liquid contained in the human body. So if you run out of exercise and plenty of fluids wasted, you can consume coconut water to replace lost body fluids to avoid dehydration.

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