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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Efficacy Kencur

Kencur (Kaempferia galanga) is an herb does not trunked, branching rhizomes, jostling, sometimes berumbi.Setiap 1-3 pieces of leafy plants, the leaves are elliptic. White flowers. Kencur there are two types, namely broadleaf lay on the ground and narrow-leaved a little straighter. Plants can be planted ni lowland areas and higher. Thrives in loose soil with a little shade.

Some Efficacy Kencur and how to use you need to know

Efficacy kencur to treat bladder stones
  • Prepare two kencur rhizome, wash thoroughly
  • Smoothed by means grated
  • Mix with 1 cup of warm water
  • Stir until smooth, then strain the water grab
  • Add a little salt
  • Drink the potion until they run out.
  • Perform maintenance on the one day
Efficacy kencur to treat stomach pains 
  • Take a rhizome kencur
  • Wash thoroughly
  • Grate kencur already we clean the
  • Add two tablespoons of cooking water and a little salt
  • Strain water grab
  • Drink the potion water
  • Perform these treatments 2-3 times a day
Efficacy kencur to treat a sprain
  • Set the rhizome kencur
  • clean up
  • Mix the rhizome kencur kesegenggam rice that has been soaked in water
  • Mash until smooth both these ingredients
  • Smeared or apply on the body sprain
Efficacy kencur to treat diarrheal diseases 
  • Prepare two rhizome kencur
  • Two onions
  • Mash until smooth both these ingredients
  • Wrap the herbs that we have the mashed banana leaves
  • Burn a few moments (do not get burnt, just warm)
  • And apply or apply the mixture gets stomach
Efficacy kencur to treat stomach ulcers
  • 2 rhizome kencur skinned thumb until it is clean and chewed. Swallow the water, the waste is dumped, then drink one glass of water and repeated until healed.
Efficacy kencur to treat influenza
  • 1 rhizome kencur of thumb and 2 cubeb leaves, finely ground and then added a few tablespoons of warm water, then applied around the nose.
Efficacy kencur for colds
  • 1 rhizome kencur of thumb skin clean, then eat with salt to taste, then drink one glass of water. Can be done 2 times a day.
Efficacy kencur to treat headaches
  • 2-4 leaves kencur in finely crushed, then applied (compressed / pilis) on the forehead.
Efficacy kencur to treat cough
  • 2 rhizome kencur thumb grated then add 1 cup of warm water, squeezed and filtered. In the drink with added salt to taste. Or 1 rhizome kencur of thumb hulled chew directly. Water is swallowed and the pulp removed. Perform routine every morning.

Hopefully this information is helpful to you, and be a solution to your health problems

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