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Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Olive Fruit Benefits For Health

Are you including fruits buff? Fruit is a kind of healthy snacks and nutrient-rich. In this article, we discuss the type of fruit that looks similar to duku. The fruit is it? Yes, the olive fruit. The olive fruit is for the good of shape, color and structure of the meat is very similar to duku.

The difference is this olive fruit tastes more acidic than duku which has a sweet taste. For the skin, skin duku thicker than the skin of the olive fruit. This is what one of the factors that make the olive fruit can not survive long at room temperature. Within a few days, can tan quickly decay while duku will last longer. Benefits of olive fruit compared to the benefits duku not lose much.

As with other types of fruit, in addition to delicious olive fruit for consumption also has many benefits. If not so familiar with the benefits that owned a fruit that has a slightly sour taste of this, the following will explain the various benefits.
  1. Langsat Fruit Benefits to help the diet
    You are on a diet? Add olive fruit as a snack menu you. Diet will certainly make you have to consume a lot of fruits which is actually a healthy food. Replace nibbles like fried foods with fruits such as olive will help you more quickly get results from a diet that you live. Olive fruit does have a very diverse nutrient content. One of them is the fiber. Fibers contained in the olive fruit will help facilitate the digestive system. In addition, if you are constipated, you can also consume olive fruit so big waste becomes more smoothly.
  2. Olive fruit can be used as a medicine for cancer
    Olive fruit, besides the flesh can be consumed, the skin can be used as a cure for cancer. Of the content contained many nutrients, minerals, vitamins and fiber is the one who is said to be useful for treating cancers associated with our digestive system.
  3. Olive fruit to cure the symptoms of hay fever
    The content of the fruit is very much fulfilled by a variety of vitamins and other nutrients make olive fruit as the fruit also have the property to cure a fever. Complexioned flower parts that can be used as a remedy for that is suffering from fever or heat is part of the seed. Flavor of olive seeds is pait, but do not worry. Olive seeds can be used as medicine. To process the olive fruit seeds into heat or fever medicine is to dry first. Once the seeds are dry (can be roasted, dried or roasted) and then the seeds can immediately until finely ground. After that, the seeds that have been finely brewed with warm water.
  4. The healer olive fruit worms
    If you have the child suffering from intestinal worms, fruit seeds duku use to treat intestinal worms in your child's. Do not assume trivial worming know. Refined olive fruit seeds that will be very useful to cure intestinal worms. Now, please try to use olive fruit seeds as a cure intestinal worms.
  5. Olive fruit as a powerful mosquito repellent
    Besides olive fruit edible fruit, skin and any seeds that can also be taken advantage it also has other benefits. What benefits? Olive fruit it can be used as a mosquito repellent. Some studies show and prove that substances contained in olive fruit skin is not favored by mosquitoes. How to use olive fruit peel as mosquito repellent is by first drying the fruit skin tan that you have prepared. If the olive fruit skin is dry, you can burn the skin is dry. The smell of burning olive fruit peel can be repellent and also has been proven safe. Unlike insect repellent on the market, using the olive fruit leather will not interfere with breathing and safe for your child.
  6. Strengthen teeth and bones
    Olive fruit also contains phosphorus is not small. As we already know, phosphorus is useful as an agent bone and teeth formation. Consuming foods such as olive fruit containing phosphorus may help strengthen bones and teeth. Moreover, with the intake of phosphorus will prevent thinning of the bones and teeth.
  7. Treating an insect bite wound
    Yes, that is true. Olive fruit especially the bark can be used as a medicine to treat an insect bite wound like a scorpion. How to use the bark of fruit this one is by taking the starch stored in the tree bark. Starch is then applied to the part bitten by insects and left to dry up. Perform this treatment process several times until the bite wound is not swollen anymore and is completely cured.
  8. Olive fruit can be medicine to cure malaria
    Malaria is a disease caused by a mosquito bite. Mosquito bites cause malaria mosquitoes are already infected with plasmodium parasite. So that when it bites a human, the parasite in the mosquito's body will be brought into the human body through a bite. If the drug can no longer use and may you also worried about the side effects, you can use the bark of fruit trees complexioned. Several studies had already proven efficacy olive fruit crops in the treatment of malaria.
  9. Dysentery not heal, treat with fruit complexioned
    Maybe you are wondering about the truth of dysentery that can be cured by the olive fruit. However, I tell you that many have proven this and can be quite powerful. Part of olive used to treat dysentery are olive tree bark.
  10. Olive fruit is useful for beauty
    If you menyangkat that fruit complexioned only limited to health benefits, then you are wrong. In terms of aesthetics, particularly olive fruit extract can be used as a bleaching and lightening our skin.
  11. Olive believed to keep us from free radicals
    Besides olive fruit can be utilized as a preventive medicine or to treat colon cancer, was also able to repel free radicals in the body. This means that we will also be kept away from other diseases that may be lurking our health by eating the fruit like Duku, olive fruit.
  12. Olive carbohydrate source
    Although we may be more familiar olive fruit as fruit has a sour taste, other facts indicate if the olive fruit contains a lot of carbohydrates that when consumed will be very good. This is what makes olive fruit into pieces suitable to replace your unhealthy snacks

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