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Sunday, August 7, 2016

Avocado For Health Benefits

Benefits of Avocados turns out vital to our health, many benefits of avocado we do not realize it can help us prevent dangerous diseases and increase metabolism. Efficacy of an avocado is classified as highly variable ranging from the simple to the disease and a very dangerous disease like cancer that not only do we gain from the benefits of mangosteen peel and benefits of soursop.

Benefits of Avocados
  1. Maintain cardiovascular health
    Research has shown that consumption of omega-6 is an important factor in cardiovascular disease. They suggest lowering the intake of polyunsaturated fats and increase the amount of monounsaturated fatty acids in the foods we consume. Avocado is a source of monounsaturated oleic acid which has been proven in numerous studies to reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) and raise HDL (good cholesterol) in the blood.
  2. Lose weight
    There are still many Indonesian people are very surprised that foods high in fat and calories is considered good for weight loss. However, studies have shown that monounsaturated fatty acids are best used as a combustion energy and not stored as fat in the body. Slow-burning energy, and certainly is a feeling of satiety that many days you will feel very suitable for reducing hunger and appetite for those of you who are on a diet.
  3. Reduce Diabetes
    Diabetes is a disease that is very dangerous, especially for the development of healthy food that has been increasingly difficult to get. If you feel frequent hunger, thirst, frequent urination, drastic weight loss, you should check it out to see a doctor. Then what is the role of avocado to this problem? avocados can reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) and raise HDL (good cholesterol in the blood). Keeping your cholesterol intake will help reduce the risk of diabetes.
  4. Health and Beauty Skin
    Benefits of avocado can also smooth the skin and help brighten the skin look naturally healthy. Avocados are also useful to protect skin from wrinkles and other signs of premature aging with the carotenoid content of antioxidants, vitamin E, which helps guard against aging from sun exposure and vitamin C is involved in the creation of elastin and collagen to maintain the elasticity of the skin to remain taut.
  5. Prevent disease arthritis and gout
    The disease is more frequent attacks you already started to age, Osteoarthritis is a disease that causes inflammation of the joints and severe pain. Avocados have anti-inflammatory agent, which is one of the few foods that can reduce pain in arthritis. Avocados contain monounsaturated fats, phytosterols and antioxidants such as vitamin E, vitamin C and carotenoids substances that can help to reduce the inflammation that leads to arthritis.
  6. Prevent cancer
    Avocados are rich in phytochemicals that have done the research may help prevent the development of certain cancers. Scientists studying the characteristics of chemopreventive avocado concluded that phytochemicals from the avocado fruit is excellent dietary strategy in cancer prevention
  7. Prevent high blood pressure
    Avocado is one of the fruits that become large enough source of potassium, which helps control blood pressure in the body.
  8. Disposing of Free Radicals
    The benefits of antioxidants in our body is to get rid of free radicals that may cause specific diseases and cancer. This fruit is one source of antioxidants which is very good for the body in removing toxins through sweat or urine will.
  9. Eye health help
    Avocado is a source of the carotenoid lutein, which is known to help protect the health of the eyes caused by aging such as macular degeneration and cataracts.
  10. Prevent birth defects
    Avocados are rich in folate, vitamin B is one of the dikenalsebagai vitamin folic acid. One avocado could meet about 23% of the recommended daily value. The high amount of folate in avocados is very important in the prevention of birth defects, such as neural tube defects and spina bifida.
  11. Reduce the risk of stroke
    Folic acid content in avocados can protect and prevent stroke. Research has shown that people who frequently consume folate intake had a lower risk of stroke.
Benefits of avocado is important for us to know to increase knowledge and change the paradigm we were wrong about the benefits of avocado this. Mix the benefits of honey and the benefits of this fruit will increase endurance and be our initial target in maintaining a healthy and get the body alive and healthy every day.

The most important thing is that we can use avocado to the health of the body, the health benefits are believed to have instead, which makes the avocado is the source we start a healthy life.

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