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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Efficacy And Benefits Of Red And White Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit you may have heard or even seen dragon fruit in the fruit shop, in the market, or at the supermarket. But do you know what the benefits of dragon fruit? Although the fruit is called dragon fruit, this fruit does not come from mainland China are incredibly famous with the mythical dragon. But the dragon fruit plants are from Latin America.

The dragon fruit plant is a cactus-kaktusan. The dragon fruit has two types of dragon fruit red and white dragon fruit. For both of these contain a lot of fiber in calcium, vitamins B and C and also contain iron. Because the dragon fruit contains a lot of nutrients in it, then a lot of people who like this dragon fruit. And normally used for health and beauty.

Red Dragon Fruit Benefits

For the benefit of red dragon fruit is usually to maintain a healthy body and most important for healthy bones and teeth. This is because the red dragon fruit contains calcium and phosphorus very well for bones and teeth. If you are eating dragon fruit on a regular basis then you will avoid dental problems such as tooth loss and osteoporosis

In addition to bone and teeth health benefits of red dragon fruit is that it can prevent diabetes mellitus. Although the dragon fruit is very sweet, but the sugar contained in the red dragon fruit is very little. As well as the red dragon fruit can also help your body to remove toxins resulting from unhealthy lifestyles.

Benefits of a white dragon fruit

Benefits of a white dragon fruit is not much different from the benefits of red dragon fruit. For the content of antioxidants present in the dragon fruit is very high, the white dragon fruit can be beneficial to slow down the aging process and prevent cancer.

Because the dragon fruit could prevent and treat cancer, the efficacy of the white dragon fruit is the same as the benefits of soursop leaves that have been effective to treat cancer by killing cancer cells very nasty and maintaining good physical health. In addition, if you are eating dragon fruit is regularly it will help lower cholesterol levels in the blood.

The benefits of dragon fruit for health
  1. Red and white dragon fruit is very beneficial for the body. The benefits of dragon fruit's health is very much like to maintain immunity. It is no wonder because the dragon fruit contains a lot of vitamin C. Of course you already know that vitamin C can protect the body against various diseases, especially infection usually caused by bacteria, germs and viruses.
  2. Dragon fruit is also very safe for consumption by infants. If you have a toddler that is difficult to stop eating, then you can give the dragon fruit to increase appetite, because in addition to good for health, dragon fruit can also increase appetite.
  3. Aside from the meat, the efficacy of dragon fruit can also be found on the skin and leaves dragon fruit. Extract from the bark and leaves of dragon fruit can inhibit tumor cell growth and can help blood circulation
That's some of the benefits of dragon fruit red and white dragon fruit. So from now on do not hesitate to consume dragon fruit, due to the benefits contained therein are very much at all. May be useful.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Efficacy And Avocado Fruit Benefits For Health

Avocado is a fruit that is familiar around us. Fruit that is green with a shape like a pregnant woman's stomach turned out to save a million properties. Not just for pregnant women but also for the eyes, face and so forth.

Avocado itself a local fruit that is very easy to find around. With a soft texture turned out to make this fruit a dream of children to adults. Moreover, the fruit of this one turned out to have benefits that are not small. Benefits of avocado can be seen in terms of health, beauty and other terms. Besides the benefits that so many, possessed fruit flavor is also quite strongly favors for adults and also for children.

Efficacy and Benefits of Fruit Avocados 

1. Keeping Eye Health
Avocado contains lutein which is the highest when compared to other types of fruit. Benefits of avocado with its lutein content is staying healthy eyesight. A study also showed that high levels of lutein also minimize the risk of disorder that often occurs in the eye, especially on cataracts and macular degeneration.

2. Inhibits Growth Of Cancer Cells
Avocado has several compounds that have the ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and search for new cancer cells arise, then destroy it once found. Uniquely no bad effect on the cells of other active health.

3. Reduce Cholesterol
Efficacy avocado next is to lower cholesterol. Bad cholesterol levels could result in a variety of malignancies. By lowering the levels of bad cholesterol at least disease can also be prevented.

4. Reduce Wrinkles
The content of amino acids and antioxidants contained in an avocado can help remove toxins cause premature aging and wrinkling of the skin.

5. Clean and Moisturize Skin
Benefits of avocado fruit to cleanse and moisturize the skin comes from the wealth of this fruit of the vitamin A which helps to exfoliate the dead skin on the human body. Therefore, the avocado fruit is often used as ingredients of soap and cosmetic famous. The oil is absorbed by the skin is able to provide nutrients which will then stimulate the growth of new skin cells and improve blood circulation to the skin.

6. Cure Thrush
How to take the properties of avocado fruit to cure canker sores is by taking an avocado that has been cooked and then take the meat. After that mix with 2 tablespoons of pure honey and mix evenly and ready to be consumed. Do this until the thrush gradually recovered.

7. Prevent Skin Dryness In
Benefits of avocado to prevent dryness of the skin surface by smoothing avocado is then used as a mask on the surface of the face. Let stand about 2 hours then rinse in cold water.

8. Cure Swelling By Inflammation
Soursop fruit has healing properties swelling caused by inflammation, a relatively easy way. Take an avocado seed then drain and mash until smooth. After that grab the avocado seed to taste and add a little water until the dough to form a slurry. After a really soft, and apply the mixture on the swollen body parts.

9. Treating Diabetes
How to treat diabetes using avocado is by roasting avocado seed with fire and then cut into small pieces. After that, use boiled water until the water is brown. Strain and let cool then drink regularly.

10. Make Shine
Turns avocado can also make hair become more shiny. The trick is to smooth the ripe avocado and mix with 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil, rosemary oil 1.5 tsp, 1 egg and yoghurt. After that maskerkan on the hair for about 20-30 minutes and can clean with shampoo.

Some of the benefits of avocado that was mentioned earlier as well as a recommendation for you to consume this fruit. Besides having many benefits of this fruit also has a good share in the growth of children.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Efficacy Curcuma

Curcuma (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) (Represents plant herb-shaped false, height approximately 2 m, green or dark brown. The root rhizome branched strong dark green. This plant is widely grown throughout the island of Java, grows wild under the auspices of teak forests, in dry soil grasslands, and ditegalan.
Growing at an altitude above sea 5-1500.

Cultivation of this plant by using pillar rhizomes (roots). Planting is usually done in the rainy season, but the water should not be excessive so that growth is not disturbed.


Increase appetite

Benefits of volatile oils that are karminativun, can increase appetite makan.Caranya: take 25 mg of ginger, 10 grams of tamarind, plus brown sugar to taste, boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc later, then filtered and ready to drink.

Heart protection

Kolagoga buffoonery contains a substance which has an important role in helping the production of bile in the liver and bladder emptying empedu.Temulawak also help reduce the action of the enzyme glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT) and reduce the action of the enzyme glutamate pyruvate transaminase (GPT), both good preclinical in vitro and in vivo or in klinik.hasil research and clinical trials indicate that the doses used to reduce SGOPT and SGPT is 15-30 mg of curcumin.

Reduce Arthritis
The content of curcumin is able to treat arthritis is equivalent to 100 mg of phenylbutazone which besrsifat as anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
Improve the function of Digestion
The powder of ginger rhizome can increase the activity of gastric fluid so instrumental in helping the process of metabolism and reduce intestinal contractions halus.Caranya: take 2 grams of dried rhizome or 8 grams of fresh ginger, heat the hot water with a temperature of 90 degrees for approximately 15 minutes, take two up to three times daily between meals.
Treating Acne
Wash rhizome curcuma one finger, then cut, then boiled with 4 cups water, let it boil until the remaining approximately 2 cups, when cool add honey to taste, then taken regularly 2 times a day, every drink enough glass.
Antioxidant and helps maintain Healthy
Curcumin in turmeric act as anti-oxidants that can capture free radicals of oxygen such as superoxide anion, and hydroxyl radicals that help maintain health in order to remain optimal.caranya: use dried ginger extract, then boiled taken 3 times daily, approximately 250-500 mg ,
There are so many benefits of ginger efficacious able to overcome various health problems if used according to instructions, of course, must be used regularly.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Efficacy And Benefit Sweet Mango

Fruit yellow when ripe and green when it is famous for its raw content of vitaminya very much. Not only rich in vitamins, fruit is very tasty a meal that is both raw and cooked.

The benefits of mango lot of them believed in him. Even today a lot of food or beverage product packaging using mango as its composition. Mango is a tropical plant species which are cultivated by people worldwide. Besides the benefits of mangoes are also strongly felt to beautify the face. In this article we will discuss the benefits of mangoes for health and beauty.

Benefits of mango fruit for healthThe content of vitamin C and nutrients that are high in mango fruit is very good for our bodies. Its nutrient content is very useful and suitable for health because it contains protein, potassium, iron, calories, fat, carbohydrates, beta carotene, vitamin A, B6, vitamin K and potassium. More details refer to some mangoes following benefits:

Mango Fruit Benefits For Health
  1. Reducing Diabetes : Mango fruit contains a low glycemic index so that sugar will not rise if we eat mangoes even in large numbers. Not only the flesh of the fruit, mango leaves also touted able to reduce diabetes by boiling some mango leaves and soak them overnight. After the cooking water is filtered and drunk as an herbal concoction that is capable of regulating the levels of insulin in the body. The benefits of apples.
  2. Prevent Cancer : Some studies have cited that the antioxidant compounds contained in mango fruit is believed to protect the body against prostate cancer, leukemia, colon and breast. The compound including fisetin, quertin, gallic acid, isoquercitrin, and enzymes.
  3. Preventing Heart Pain : Fiber, vitamins and potassium contained in mango fruit as a whole could ward off heart disease. Decrease in sodium intake accompanied by increased potassium intake may reduce cardiovascular risk due to diet be changed.
  4. Efficacy of mango Helps digestion : Mangoes contain enzymes that can destroy excess protein and fat content in the food we consume. Besides fiber found in mango fruit can help digestion and eases the process of disposal of waste products naturally.
  5. High iron content for women : Mangoes have iron content is high enough so that it can be used as a natural solution that is right for those who suffer from anemia. Mangoes are also mentioned very helpful for women who are pregnant or who are experiencing menopause because mangoes can increase the levels of calcium and iron at the same time. 

Benefits of Mango To Face Beauty Secrets

Clean skin and shine is a dream for women, for those of you who want a beautiful face shines you can use mangoes as a natural ingredient for beauty. Here are the tips:
  1. Troubleshooting black spots on the face : Mango skin is usually removed it can be used to treat the problem of black stain on the face very disturbing penampiln us. The trick is very easy that is by drying the skin mango powder and made into a powder. Mix the powder with yogurt and apply on the face as a mask to remove the black stain.
  2. Overcoming the problem of acne : Benefits of mango for the next beauty is to overcome the problem of facial acne. This can be done by setting up unripe mango diced plainly. after it was boiled and use the cooking water to wash my face mango. Perform routine so that you get maximum results.

Similarly, a review of the benefits of mango remarkable, because in addition to good for your health, it turns mango can also be used as a natural ingredient for beauty treatments naturally. Hopefully useful and good luck!

Efficacy And Tomato Fruit Benefits

Tomato is a plant from the United States that still have a kinship with potatoes, eggplants, green and red peppers. The tomato a fruit types because it has seeds and meat are safe if swallowed. However, with the increase in more modern era, as now, the tomato is often used as a vegetable and is often used as vegetables.

Tomato fruit contains a lot of water and vitamin C are powerful beauty as well as lighten the skin and shrink pores. Therefore, in addition to be used as fresh vegetables, sauce ingredients, and also fruits, tomatoes also often used as a mask to lighten the skin. In this article we will discuss about the properties and benefits of tomatoes for the health of our beautiful skin.

Tomato Fruit Benefits For Health 
  1. Skin Lightening : Benefits of tomatoes for the beauty of the first is to brighten dull skin. If you experience problems dull skin and is still confused to find the right solution, then you can try the benefits of tomatoes that contain a lot of vitamin C that is proven to make skin brighter.
    How to use the tomato is also quite simple, namely by setting up two tomatoes and cut into several pieces. Put the tomato slices by rubbing the facial area evenly. Perform routine every day and you will get a bright and healthy skin for approximately two weeks.
  2. eliminate acne : At any care products or medications that are intended to cure acne within the composition contains a lot of vitamin A and C are good for relieving acne. In addition to vitamin A and vitamin C which is good for acne, tomatoes also contain acids that is able to treat the skin rash redness caused by acne. If you experience acne are still small you just simply rub a sliced ​​tomato on the pimpled face for about ½ hour. But if you already inflamed acne you can make a mask of tomatoes in a way you blend the tomatoes first. efficacy of dragon fruit.
  3. Oily skin problems : Oily caused by excessive production of serum. If the problem of oily skin is not addressed it will make the new problems that disrupt such as black spots, facial acne and blackheads. To cope with oily skin you can try a way to make a mask of tomatoes mixed with cucumber. Apply the mask to all parts of the face and let stand until dry. Rinse with warm water and apply regularly to get the benefits of tomatoes is that you can see in a short time.
  4. Make us look younger : The great secret of the artists who made them look young and glowing is because the benefits of tomatoes are efficacious naturally helps rejuvenate the skin. At break time from their busy activity, they do a skin treatment using tomatoes. Efficacy Tomatoes able to slow the aging process by absorbing oxygen.
  5. Refreshing eye : The benefits of tomatoes next extraordinary is to refresh tired eyes because of the many activities or lack of sleep. You can use irisam tomatoes and put on the eyes for a few minutes so that the eye bags disappear.

Perform maintenance on the skin by using this tomato in your spare time either morning, afternoon or evening. In addition to fresh and delicious benefits of tomatoes is also very nice to rejuvenate the skin to become bright and shining.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Natural Medicine For Hair Loss Problems

Natural Medicine For Hair Loss Problems - Hair loss is a problem for everyone because often times eliminates a person's self-confidence. Hair loss problem is the problem of hair disorders suffered by many people. Causes of hair loss problems included a lack of vitamins and nutrients to the hair root, making the hair root is brittle and fall out.

In addition, hair loss can also be caused by heredity, hormonal imbalance, exposure to free radicals, age, bad habits in lifestyle and diet, as well as excessive stress.

Herb that can help hair loss is one of them leaves pare. As for the other herbs that can help the healing this problem is aloe vera, green tea, and so on. Nutrient content on pare pretty good. Pare contains protein, carbohydrates, and little
mineral grease pare rich in calcium, iron and phosphorus. Vitamin prominent contained therein are vitamin A and vitamin C. Recipe blend of herbs for hair loss are as follows.

Ingredients :
  • Pare leaf to taste. 
  • Enough water.

How to make :
  1. Wash thoroughly the leaves pare. 
  2. Pound the leaves pare until smooth, add enough water. 
  3. Squeeze the juice, then apply on the scalp until blended. 
  4. Let it for 30 minutes, then wash it clean. 
  5. Use herbs recipe every day on a regular basis.
So natural medicines derived from herbs that you can make an option to help overcome the problem of hair loss, so you can feel confident with healthy hair and free of hair loss.

Bamboo rods Efficacy Need to Know

Bamboo plant is very popular in Indonesia, both for buildings, craft or furniture. In the book of Chinese medicine, Bamboo is known as herbal medicine in the form of shavings of bamboo stems and named China Zhu Ru, quite foreign to the ear, right? But does this herb has been used for a long time in traditional Chinese medicine.

Bamboo Chemical Ingredients: acetylcholine, silica, triterpenoids, and polyphenols
Shavings of bamboo rods must be obtained from the bamboo plant which is then sliced ​​thin. Bamboo plant itself is one kind of plant that is growing quite fast. In normal circumstances healthy plants and bamboo grow about 7 cm up to 40 cm per day. Bamboo can grow well in tropical areas with sufficient moisture.
The taste of sweet with a bamboo rod shavings tendency cold temperatures. Chemical constituents contained therein are asetikolin, silica, triterpenoids, and pholipenol.
Work on the body part of the lung, stomach, bladder. Being able to treat and stop the vomiting, coating the tongue thick yellow, nausea, vomiting, morning sickness, lower the heat, irritability, restlessness, transform phlegm heat, cough with phlegm, viscous, sputum thick, the sensation of smothering in the chest, stop the bleeding, bloody sputum , nosebleeds, hematemisis, stop cough, cough with thick sputum, stomach down, dry breath.
Parts used skin white middle greenery. Standard doses of 5-10 grams 5 grams. Cook for 20 minutes.

Physiological effects posed as an antibiotic. To reduce the temperature of the cold can be cooked with ginger juice. Contraindications stagnation due to cold food in the stomach.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Efficacy Banana What You Need To Know

Bananas (Musa paradisiaca L) is a type of shrub clump, 3 meters high. Pseudo stem, has midrib, color light green to brown. Single leaf elongated oblong shape easily torn at the bottom of the waxy, green color. Inflorescence form bunches, monoecious, red bract, easy to fall off, corolla yellowish white color triangle. Berry, elongated round combs arranged as two rows.

Chemical Ingredients

Banana contains: noradrenaline, 5-hydroxy triptamin, dopamine, Vitamin A, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C, E, G, serotonin, pectin, and tannins (young fruit). Banana juice contains, tannins and gallic acid. Part used is the fruit and sap.

 Efficacy and Benefits of Bananas:

Uterine bleeding, pressing Vagi * na, thrush intestines, chicken pox, liver (jaundice), and diarrhea, constipation, reduce menstrual pain, strengthens bones, nourish the kidneys, lowering blood pressure, neutralize the acid and prevent stomach irritation, increases levels iron, improve concentration, reduce hangover effects, reduce the effects of morning sickness (nausea and vomiting during early pregnancy), treating the bites, prevent stroke, improving the digestive system, increase body energy fast (instant), boosts the immune system ( contains Vitamin C), fluid and electrolyte balance in the body, lose weight naturally.

How to use :
  1. Yellow Fever: Spot gold bananas are cooked. Pressed Vagi * na and prevent bleeding: banana trees were not flowering beheaded stone to take water clean. How to use: it is used to wash va * gi * na postpartum.
  2. Chickenpox: Bananas klutuk still raw, fennel pulasari taste and 1 piece of brown sugar. Shredded fruit to take water. Then there is mixed with other ingredients until evenly distributed. How to use strained and drunk. 
  3. Diarrhea: Bananas lime menah burned, later in the meal. 
  4. Acne Mask: Take a ripe banana and then pulverized or in blender, then used as a mask. 
  5. Drug Burns: Puree the bananas are ripe, then apply on the affected skin burns. 
  6. Overcoming Itching and Bentol Due Mosquito bites: Apply bananas that have been mashed to a mosquito bite.
Thus some of the benefits and efficacy of banana plants are excellent for keeping your optimum health. May be useful.

Like Pears Fruit? This Usefulness

Pears are trees originating from temperate regions in Western Europe, Asia, and North Africa. Pear tree can reach a height of 10 to 17 meters, a fairly high yes! However, some types of pears also have shorter trees. Pear trees can survive the winter up to -25 degrees Celsius. 

Pear shape is quite diverse, but most types of pears produce fruit is round. Most species like European pears produce fruit shape enlarged at the bottom and thin at the top or the base of the fruit. Usually, the fruit is ready for harvest in early autumn.

Ingredients and Benefits Fruit Pears

Pears are a good source of vitamin C. Mengomsumsi 1 pear enough to meet 17% of the body needs vitamin C each day. Vitamin C is known as the body's main compound for a range of important processes, ranging from making collagen, fat and electron transport of various enzymatic reactions, maintain healthy gums, regulate cholesterol levels, to stimulate immunity. In addition, vitamin C is necessary for the body to heal wounds and improve brain function is in order to work optimally.

The content of vitamin K contained in a pear, pretty much. Mengomsumsi 1 pear enough to meet 15% of the body's need for vitamin K every day. Vitamin K is very useful to help blood clotting process. Vitamin K is also able to prevent serious diseases, such as heart disease and stroke, because the effect is curating the hardening of arteries by calcium plaque deposits.

Pears are classified as plants have enough nutritional value many of which are potassium, dietary fiber (dietary fiber), vitamin C, vitamin K, and copper. According to The George Mateljan Foundation (2006), dietary fiber content of pears included in either category. Spot 1 pear could meet 19.8% of food fiber body needs every day.

In addition to lowering cholesterol, dietary fiber content of the pear is also very useful in the digestive system. Consumption of fiber in sufficient quantities, is very good for constipation and safe for sensitive stomach or intestinal inflammation. Because of the high fiber content, the pear is very good for diabetics. Moreover, fiber and copper on pears can prevent colon cancer.

Recipe Ingredient from Fruit Pears

To treat diabetes, take 200 grams of pear is ripe, then washed. Afterwards, peeled and blended. Add water little by little into a blender until it reaches 50 cc. Then drink 3 times a day, every morning and evening.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Nutritional content Pomegranate and Benefits

Pomegranate or also known as naman pomegranate with a predominance of bright red color, the pomegranate has a beautiful appearance and looked fresh. The fruit is very familiar because the nutrients and nutrients contained in it are very complex so it is natural that this fruit has many benefits, and is widely used as an antioxidant drug, anti-aging, and anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory) natural.

Tanik pomegranates contain acid or acid tannik. This acid is an element of control. This element is also present in the fruit. Besides the elements of control, water pomegranates also contain menthol sugar and other sugar types. Jam, the fruit is also rich in iron element. Juice (water) pomegranates are rich in the elements of sugar and iron elements where these two elements is essential for red blood cell formation, therefore, it is very helpful for those who are blood deficiency (anemia).

For more details, here are some of the benefits of pomegranates for your health

1. Pomegranate skin can be used to treat diarrhea and hemorrhoids.
2. Pomegranate water can be used to cure a cold or remove blockages in the nose, for example, when fever.
3. The gilnar which is the flower of pomegranate, when boiled can be useful for treating gum problems.
4. This herb is also good to clean the worm. If the root pieces pomegranate on boil as much as 60 grams in one liter of water approximately ¼ hours ago taken daily, it can eliminate tapeworms. Recommended for a drink together with a laxative.
5. Pomegranate is very good for digestion and can strengthen it. Handy for the throat, chest and lungs, is very good for treating coughs and smooth urination, removes heat at heart, a sense of acid is very beneficial for the digestive inflammation. If the pulp is removed and then only lightly cooked and sweetened with honey, will be used as a liniment, kohl for the eyes yellow, removing excessive moisture. And when rubbed on the gums, ingredients above can clean the gums, besides the pomegranate seeds and honey can be used to treat wounds around the nail or the wounds that fester.

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